Pet Prices
11 years, 11 months & 27 days ago

16th Mar 2013 16:03
Here's a link with updated prices...
my rules
17 years, 3 months & 5 days ago

9th Dec 2007 07:33
I will only consider offers that amount to what I know the items to be worth. I Don't want junk offers or offers with the message please i really need this or i can pay this now and i'll pay more later.
Sorry i hate to be harsh but 1. I appreciate that you might not be able to afford to buy the item but I've worked hard to get these items and won't be selling them for less then their value, so work hard to get mp by restocking, doing quests and missions, and playing games
2. please don't keep offering more junk offers if i've already rejected the first one. if i keep rejecting the offer, mm me to find out why.
Also my pets unless stated in the forums are never for trade.
17 years, 5 months & 15 days ago

29th Sep 2007 17:54
-----///\\-----put this
----///-\\\----on your
---|||---|||---blog if
---|||---|||---someone in
---|||---|||---your family
----\\\-///----has cancer
----///--\\\--- ...