RP info to remember
15 years, 6 months & 27 days ago

18th Aug 2009 12:26
This is just here as a reminder for me. ^^
RP plot ideas, characters, etc.
"Welcome to Seera: A haven for all races of the universe!" Glows bright orange letters on the screens of nearby spacecraft. The captains of the ships enter the figid planet's atmosphere, usually hoping for a short rest after a long journey. Too bad they don't realize that they aren't leaving any time soon.
Seerans are considered a pest by nearby planets. Constant threats of hostile takeovers constantly come from them, but their army is too weak to conquer even nearby moons. Any time they are mentioned, other races laugh. In fact, the people of nearby planets bet on which race will be 'threatened' next. And suddenl, it all stopped. No threats. Nothing. It was like the Seerans had disappeared.
Curious as to what had happened, the Union of Intergalactic Relations(UIR), sent a squadron to see what had happened to the Seerans. They never returned. Any attempts to contact them via satellite failed. The UIR assumed that they had been eaten by something. Seera was deemed a dead planet and no one asked any questions. Who really cared about them anyway? They had been nothing more than a nuisance. Millenia went by. Wars were waged, people evolved and mingled. Then, something terrible happened.
The Milky Way galaxy was destroyed by a rare phenomenon, called an Orbital Rift. Planets suddenly crumbled to bits. The races succumbed to a strange illness. People of all worlds in the galaxy either died or barely managed to escape. They sought refuge in other galaxies, but most were shunned due to the disease. But in the Bane galaxy, one planet came to aid their distress. Any ship passing by was greeted by bright orange letters on message screens, beckoning them.
The Seerans hadn't died out. Instead, they had spent the millenia perfecting their technology and waiting. Just waiting for an event such as the Orbital Rift. They used it to their advantage. There was a reason no one had come back from Seera. They had been brainwashed into slaves and soldiers.
The UIC has been notified of the recent activity on Seera by passing spacecraft. To get a better idea of what has happened to the planet, they have sent a squadron of ten elite people from different planets. As soon as they land, a group of Seeran soldiers will take them to the brainwashing facilities. Can this team pull it together and escape their fate?
A few notes:
Seera-It is a cold and desolate planet that is home to a variety of savage, furred creatures along with the Seerans. It is so far away from the nearest star that it is constantly cloaked in darkness. Dotting its flat surface are a system of silver domes connected by underground tunnels. This is the Seeran community.
Seerans-They are the only known intelligent species on Seera. They are very weak physically, with transparent skin, long, bony limbs and an extra pair of arms. Their eyes are very large and accustomed to the darkness of Seera, so they are easily blinded. What they lack in strength, they more than make up for in intelligence, however. Their technology is highly advanced, and they have made a kind of robotic suit designed to protect their frail bodies. The color of the suit shows rank, and they are as follows:
Green; Regular citizens
Purple; Soldiers
White; Scientists
Blue; The elite guard
1. Be literate! This means no list inros, use decriptive paragaphs.
2. No romance.
3. Keep violence PG-13
4. First people to join have to be at least one of the squadron until they're all taken. After that, there's still brainwashed people and the Seerans.
5. As many characters as you can handle.
6. Each of the squad members are a different race.
7. No god-moding, mary-sues, PP, etc.
8. Have fun with it! Your character can be anything, from humanoids to something not even vaguely humanoid! The sky's the limit, so use your imagination.
9. If anyone from my club joins, they have the same power as me
"Why must this atmosphere be so cold?" Muttered Rykere, trying to squish more stuff into a med pack. He was obviously the medic on this journey, and he was a darn good one too. On all the trips he'd been on to gather and save all the stranded people from the Orbital Rift, he'd saved every single one. Now he was stuck going to some frozen wasteland, where no one's ever returned.
How did he get stuck so far away from a star? His race, the Towrenites, lived on a planet so close to a sun that the very surface melted in the middle of the day, causing it to never look the same twice. They had developed a slimy skin the protected them from the extreme heat and even allowed them to swim in molten rock, but would leave them frozen even in earthlike conditions. Because of this, Rykere wore a special suit heated to the extreme temperatures of his home planet.
Towrenites stood on four dog-like legs, each tipped with thick claws. The tails, there's two of them, would act as their hands. Their heads were shaped like a alligator's, with sharp teeth sticking out on both sides. Their slimy skin was a mottled red and black to blend in with their planet. It was amazing the creatures of Towrecia were found in the same galaxy as the Seerans.
Rykere sighed and shoved a few more things into his pack. He glanced at one of the computers and noticed that they were in Seera's orbit. He closed the clips of his pack, snapping a tail in one of them, and put on his helmet, pressing a series of buttons on his suit to turn it on. He grabbed his med pack with his tails and walked out onto the bridge of the ship, waiting for everyone else.
For club RPs:
Name: Shadin
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Power: Dark
Rank (Leader/Warrior): Warrior
Appearance: Shadin is quite short, usually having to look up at people. She isn't very muscular, either, built more for speed or climbing things. Her hair is jet black and cut just below her chin in a no-nonsense kind of way. Her skin is a milky white, since she never gets a whole lot of sun. She has light blue eyes that are more or less angry looking all the time.
Personality: In short, Shadin is obnoxious. She loves nothing more than to poke and prod at someone's patience in hope to get a response. Her temper is a thing to fear, and will absolutely not tolerate short jokes. Call her short, and you'll probably get kicked in the shin. She doesn't like to show her true feelings, and will usually try to get the attention off of her if something bothers her. Her sense of humor is slightly twisted, and she often gets off track in conversation.
History: She lived in a little town in California for as long as she could remember. She was adopted at the age of five, and lived an exciting life with one of the richest families in town. Unfortunately, her adoptive parents were killed when she was fifteen. Her oldest brothers raised her siblings and her until she was caught by the government.
How the Government found them: Her oldest brother, who was angry with her at the time, turned her in.
The first time they used their power: She got into a really bad argument with her oldest brother. Her shadow had seemed to come to life and grabbed her brother, trying to kill him. Fortunately, she realized what she was doing and gained control over it. No one wanted any trouble with the government, so it was kept a secret. It didn't last, though.
Relations: Her biological family either didn't want her, or their all dead, so she doesn't feel they matter. Her adoptive parents are dead, so that leaves her with eight siblings. Three girls, one whose adopted, and four boys, one whose adopted. All the girls are younger than her, and all the boys except one are older than her.
Other: Shadin's abilities are mostly anger based. The rest of the time, she has barely any control over them.