~ Rofling Dreams
14 years & 11 days ago

8th Mar 2011 00:23
Ok, ever since I started on the site a few years ago I've been after a Rolfing. Yes, they're LE(Limited Edition) pets but that's never been my reason for wanting one. I've always wanted to to use the Starry Costume(now retired sadly T-T) on. Back when I first joined I was a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan, still am the Rolfing reminds me of that. ^^
If anyone who might have a Rofling Potion(of any sort) comes across this, please message me if you're interested in selling or trading! Same for a Starry Costume!
I've found trades but they're quite old and I've messaged and never gotten anything back. So I'm assuming the trade starter either no longer is here or I dunno...
Thanks for reading!
~ Rose
I have returned~!!
14 years & 29 days ago

17th Feb 2011 21:05
Greetings all! I am a Marapets Vetern! Been here for a good few years now, then I vanished for a tad bit and now I'm back! I'm not sure how many of my friends are still around but am always happy to make new ones as well!

So feel free to drop in and chat or whatever.