What I Need For Our Friendship
17 years, 7 months & 1 day ago

11th Aug 2007 15:12
1) Somebody that will talk
2) Somebody that will listen
3) Somebody that is friendly, nice, and able to take a joke
4) Somebody that will respect me and my other friends
5) Somebody that tells me things, tries to clarify, and can spell at least <i>some</i> of the words they type
6) Somebody that can correct <u>me</u>
7) Somebody that will talk to me when I'm sad
9) Somebody that will talk to me when <i>they're</i> sad
10) Somebody that thinks we can get along
11) Somebody <u>I</u> can get along with
12) Somebody that pays attention to what I say
13) Somebody that noticed I skipped #8!