ATTN: Newbies Wanting to be Adopted!
17 years, 8 months & 6 days ago

6th Jul 2007 23:00
I'm currently looking to help out a genuinely new person.
-I will gladly give help, tips, advice, on Mara-related, and even some personal matters.
-I will be sending along a newbie pack of my own fashioning. You will get nothing more and nothing less.
-I will be your marapal, if you like.
-I will ask my club leader about you joining if you're 18+, and have proven to be active and friendly.
-I may or may not contribute to your gallery collection, depending on what it is you collect.
-I will defend you from bullies on Mara, and help you contact staff if you are being threatened in any way.
-I will be very patient, kind, and understanding. I realize there is a vast array of different backgrounds on Mara, and I won't give up on you if you're a youngster, an elderly person, a non-native English speaker (hablo Espanol un poco), or have some other type of communication barrier.
-I'm your rich friend who will get you all sorts of pretty AU and retired items for free and decorate your pets with lovely, rare costumes.
-I will give you ANYTHING you beg for.
-You can report me for not adopting you in the way you had intended.
-I will join your club. (Not leaving anytime soon! )
-I will give out any personal info or fall for any kind of hack or scam.
-I will tolerate being flirted with. (WEIRD! PLS DON'T! )
-I will be your special friend who will get you out of major (deserved) trouble and not report you if you're doing something wrong.
-I will remain zen and balanced when you keep asking me the same question ten different times, or find some other way to infuriate me.
-I will remember you 3 months from now after not a word from you, and do you an extra special favor.
Anyone still want adopted? Feel free to Maramail me.
-Emily the Friendly Witch