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I collect TWISTED ROSE items!

Gabriel's the name. :) co-leader of Espresso club, overall strive to build collections and stats here.

Self-proclaimed King of Decadals -- working on twins.
If I don't reply very quickly, I'm AFK. Bear with me. :)

Joined Marapets on July 13th 2008. (previous account) Transubstantiation x1 (Jessemina --> Baby)
Transmogrification x1 (Roflic --> Rofling)
Amethyss the Lilac Astro
6 years, 7 months & 7 days OldBorn 6th Aug 2018 07:50

Level 9 Teacher earning 975MP a day

Job Promotion earning 1,050MP a day
Health 30  Charisma 35  Art 50  Language 90  History 90  Geography 90  Maths 90  Music 50  Science 90  Sports 25  CDs 25  DVDs 25  Books 35  Instruments 70  Stamina 25  Environmental Studies 10  Humanities 5  Computer Science 25  Sociology 15  Molecular Science 15