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Date of Birth:

Thursday, 28 May 2015



Origin of the name:

Furosa is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
She is a Gerudo and is the owner of The Noble Canteen.
She is an older Gerudo with defining wrinkles on her face.
Ice can be delivered to Furosa from the Northern Icehouse for Rupees.


Furosa is a bit of a science fiction and game geek.
She likes to play flash games and collects flash game related toys. She also has a weird fascination
towards fake dukka coins, maybe because they are shiny and she used to be a bird...

When she is not fooling around with games she is fooling around with science. As in she works as a scientist
in Ziranek, always looking for the next big breakthrough. She doesn't limit herself only to modern sciences, in fact
she would rather define herself as an modern interdisciplinary alchemist, an artist of science and nonsense...


I actually used my poison costume in order to create this Poison Walee. Now, she is a Tundra Quell, go figure.

Furosa the Tundra Quell
9 years, 9 months & 1 day OldBorn 28th May 2015 12:53

Splatter Fynx
3 Years 11 Months Old
Spring Fynx
4 Years Old
Winter Fynx
4 Years 5 Months Old
Breeze Fynx
4 Years Old
Space Fynx
3 Years 11 Months Old
Level 14 Scientist earning 8,750MP a day

Job Promotion earning 9,500MP a day
Speed 70  Charisma 30  Language 75  Maths 100  Science 150  Books 120  Coordination 70  Environmental Studies 40  Computer Science 40  Molecular Science 40