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Mikau is the lead guitarist of the Zora band The Indigo-Go's and is also a Zoran hero. He and Japas often compose songs of their own, much to Evan's chagrin. He also has a close relationship with the band's lead singer, Lulu.

After Mikau finds out that Lulu's Eggs were stolen by the Gerudo Pirates, Evan charges him with the task of retrieving the Eggs, in the hopes that doing so would recover Lulu's voice in time for their upcoming performance at the Carnival of Time.
Mikau the Alien Daisy
12 years, 8 months & 16 days OldBorn 27th Jun 2012 19:53

5 Years 4 Months Old
4 Years 10 Months Old
3 Years 9 Months Old
3 Years 12 Months Old
Level 1 Athlete earning 500MP a day

Job Promotion earning 550MP a day
Level 2  Strength 20  Speed 20  Health 20  Charisma 2  Sports 20  Magic 10 

Staff of Kirin