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Given to me from Kairi on 30 August 2017. Thank you so much!

Hello! I would like to apply for Lexi. Before I elaborate, I would like to share more on the reasons on why I would love to have Lexi.! Please do bear with me here! ^_^

Recently, I have been putting in effort in building up my collections. I used to think that collections were not worth trying and tedious. I still feel the same about the latter but there’s something so amazing about accomplishing the next goal of collections even though it is bit by bit! As you can see from my profile, I have mostly figures less than 100 but I’m slowly building on them! My pet’s collections are even worse than my profile because I never knew how to start with all those gourmet foods, books, dvds etc and they are so expensive!

I would be extremely honoured to have Lexi.! She has an impressive gourmet collection and I would be extremely grateful if I were to have the chance to continue off where you have stopped and help to build on her already amazing collection. I also hope to have the chance to turn her into a great battle pet by increasing her health to 150 so that it can be on par with her strength, defense and speed. I know 150 might not be much but I hope to slowly work on it, one small step at a time with gourmets being the priority.

Furthermore, Lexi. might be able to help me have a chance to successfully complete Greedy Gertrude! With the lorius maker I (hopefully) get from dumb Gertrude, I can then turn Lexi. into a majestic nimbus lorius which is one of my dream pets! She will be my first lorius and will join my happy pet family! ≧◡≦


Now I will move on to what makes me happy. If you were to ask me that two years ago, I would give a completely different answer. Probably new clothes, new shoes? A new phone definitely. But now my answer is simple - a happy family. :-) Long story short, my dad fell gravely ill. I won't elaborate too much on that but in his moment of weakness, our family bonds became the strongest. From doing things individually to constantly caring about my family members, I have definitely changed a lot! What I can tell people is to treasure your family. Really. Our parents care so much about us which we often take for granted. I was fortunate enough to get a second chance and I hope to do it right by always considering their feelings and putting them foremost, basically not being a burden to them. ^_^

Thank you so much for this chance! Hope this application didn’t turn out too long. Also, wishing you all the best in real life! You must have some compelled reason to leave mara, probably because real life is of utmost importance but I hope you will do well wherever you are. :-)

Jacey the Baby Mordo
13 years, 3 months & 4 days OldBorn 9th Dec 2011 13:35

7 Years 6 Months Old
7 Years 6 Months Old
7 Years 6 Months Old
7 Years 6 Months Old
7 Years 6 Months Old
7 Years 6 Months Old
7 Years 5 Months Old
7 Years 3 Months Old
5 Years Old
3 Years 10 Months Old
Level 4 Veterinarian earning 235MP a day

Job Promotion earning 285MP a day
Strength 15  Defence 6  Speed 6  Charisma 5  Language 5  Geography 6  Maths 15  Science 20  Sports 4  Books 10 

Rotten Sword
Rotten Sword
Staff of the Soul
Staff of the Soul
Staff of Simeria
Staff of the Plushie Fairy
Chocolate Eclair Hammer
Kirin Blade