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01:26:40 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Adult Player / Open to Pet Lending / Open to Friends :)

Click Here 4 More :D 2-two-CuddleMe.jpg

I play MaraPets most days, but there are a lot of things I'm still clueless about, lol.

I do my best to be responsive to forum posts & messages, but if I'm not responding: I am AFK or playing a game.

I started playing MaraPets a couple years ago as a one-off thing with my BFF (who has been playing for wayyyy longer than me lol) and then I just didn't stop playing! It's super fun and chill and I just want to enjoy my time on here. :) If there is any way that I can help you with anything, MaraMail me!! I'm happy to help when/if I can.

2024 Goal: to get to SILVER !!

Things I collect in my Gallery:
-Spooky Stuff
-Things I Think are Funny/Cute

My Main Pets:
Oooops & Daymoe <3

About Me:
27yo from the Midwest, about to start Student Teaching !!!
Loves... Scary movies, bears, candy, making art, history, and croissants.
Umamii the Voodoo Equilor
2 years, 11 months & 3 days OldBorn 10th Apr 2022 19:12

Nimbus Jinx
1 Year 1 Month Old
Summer Shield
Robotic Claw
Slime Slingshot