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Neoning gave me 2.9 million mp to complete Sauli's last few levels of temple. Thank you so much!
Application for 2.9 million mp

Hello! I'm Char and I would like to apply for the 2.9 million mp. I would like to share why I would love to have the mp! The reason might be a little long so please bear with me here! ^_^
I am currently putting Sauli in temple to transform her into this!

I am on level 13 so far with 2 runes per level. It's manageable for now but when I reach the levels in which I need 3 runes per level, it is going to be tough to earn mp to buy runes as I do not have the simerian explorer map! The 2.9 million mp would be really useful and help me in completing the last few levels of temple!

I have no idea why this happened but I had a deja vu dream that was 5 years apart. It happened when I was 10 years old and 15 years old. It hasn't repeated ever since (I'm 19 now) but I can still remember it in detail because it was really strange. I was running away from someone. I didn't know who or whether the thing I was running away from was even a human. The first scene was at my house where I went to a stack of newspapers to make a weapon before running out of the house because the thing was coming. I ran around familiar places of my childhood and met with different people while trying to escape. The last scene was when I arrived back at my house and the house was covered head to toe with red paper(?) before I woke up.

What was so strange was that when I was 15, I knew what the next scene would be like! I could predict the future because I had gone through it before! I acted out as to what I thought suited best with the future in mind. I did things differently though the scenes but the route I took from running away did not change. I feel so weird about it like my two dreams that were 5 years apart magically crossed paths with each other???

Thanks again for this giveaway and all the best in real life! Hope you get your real life stuff settled like you originally planned to. ^_^

Thank you!
Sauli the Party Limax
10 years & 16 days OldBorn 27th Feb 2015 20:18
