harry potter

17 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
12th Feb 2008 06:52Harry Potter belongs to Warner Bros, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Heyday/1498 films, JK Rowling and Raincoat books. I don't lay any claim to it.
harry potter
as he stands so tall
when he fells all defie him
who can he trust
when he fells all defie him
when hes all alone all because of hate
on hes way to death doors them selfs
bcause of a single man
took a way his life
when he was small
killed his mum
when he was small
what is there to stand for
when all is lost
what is they to stand for
if you lose your friends
what is they to stand for
when you feel alll defie you
when you are small
what is there to stand for is love
by carlos apa
this poem is about harrys life if you dont think it belongs here then say and ill delete it but i think its to do with love cause harry survived because of his mums love