Thing InuYasha would never say or do

17 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
15th Jan 2008 10:30From varios web sites
" I don't wanna look for Shikon Shards"
"Koga, Kagome is yours"
"I just love my brother"
(sesshomaru dies ) Crying "no!!! come back!! I miss you already!"
"Sesshomaru, I worship you..."
" I want to read a book"
" I want to go to school, learn, and go to collage"
Inuyasha is afride to fight: " Kagome, you can take this one, while I run and hide behind one of those trees"
Runs off like an coward in the middle of a big fight
(hands Naraku the jewl shards) "I don't want them!"
"shippo would you like to sit on my sholder?"
"Kouga let's be BEST FRIENDS!!"
I don't want steak
I wanna be human!
kagome lets get MARRIED