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  1. I live in Alaska this a poem about it made by me!
    17th Feb 2008 17:01
    17 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
  2. Pet Quiz! for girls only
    13th Jan 2008 17:05
    17 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
Pet Quiz! for girls only
17 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
13th Jan 2008 17:05

if your owner says you can have any color what would you say?

A.Gold B.Pink C.prinsess D.Angel fairy G.Pixie

if you could have any kind of pet as your boyfriend what would it be?

A.Quell B.Ushunda C.Sindi D.Snookle E.Newth F.Ecrew G.Zoink

what would you want to collect?

A. hidden avatars B. dukka coins C.potions D.plushies E.stamps G.soda cans

if you could have a job what would it be?

A.robber B.police C.docter E.judge F.reporter G.waitress

if you could live anywhere where would you live?

A.undying woods B.gigantic paridise of marada D.candy land E.Biala mountian F.lush lake G.dukka town

if you got mostly Fs you are a fasoro!if you got mostly As you are a Reese! if you got mostly Gs you are a Sindi! if you ot mostly Cs you are a Newth!if you got mostly Bs you are a Knutt!if you got mostly Ds you are a Xoi!if you got mostly Es you are a Feliz!

thanks for taking my quizhappy.gif

Ima Sindi
115 years, 11 months & 11 days ago 11th Apr 2009 08:56
  1. I live in Alaska this a poem about it made by me!
    17th Feb 2008 17:01
    17 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
  2. Pet Quiz! for girls only
    13th Jan 2008 17:05
    17 years, 2 months & 10 days ago