Say a color.

17 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
2nd Jan 2008 01:31Reaction game.
The "-" Means I only decided to mark my reply.
Say a random color!
Say a car color!
Say a house color you see outside!
Say a ceiling color!
Name one of your teachers!
Krissu named our maths teacher, it's like an automatic reaction xD
Name an animal starting with "H"!
Me: Hammer!
Krissu: Hamlet!
Name an eyeshadow color!
Name a candy!
A friend: Skittles! (Except for "h" instead of the k)
Name a company!
"Kalev" comes automatically, it's a candy&chocolate company in Estonia.
Name a company, not Kalev!
-Eh... Pampers!
A diaper company? come on.
Name a school lesson!
Krissu: Maths!
Me: Um..Eh..Wait, what did you ask?
Name a person you hate!
I love reaction game.