Stating and updating Foozzeell

17 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
27th Nov 2007 19:40Currently I'm in the process of working to make sure he has every dvd and cd available. If you have one that I don't have for him feel free to mm me ...
I also am working diligently to get him stat'd up both in the regular gym and the elite gym but this is taking a great deal of time so it is a slow process, that I am dedicated to.
I applaud those who have worked so hard on their stats for there pets. I used to stat up each one. Now i'm concentrating only three: foozzeell, suikaro, and annie_bananiee.
I know it's been said that the names of my pets are odd... Most of them i've not chosen as each was adopted from the pound. I wish there was a way to change the pets name but I'm not sure how to do that if there is. I especially would love to change weirdo's name LOL...