You won't beleive this "God loves us all"

17 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
17th Nov 2007 13:4787% of teens wont stand up for Christ, put this in your signature or look-up if you are one of the 13% that will!!!
this is a story that u won't believe if u r one of the 87%
a girl went to a party with her friends who drove her there, her friends stayed late and refused to take her home even though she was so tired. Her house was close so she decided to walk. As she passes the local burger king she decided to take a shortcut thought an alley. She saw a man at the back of the alley who looked rough and looked like he was waiting for HER! She silently prayed for safety as she walked closer, she quickly glanced at the man as she passed by; she returned safely home and went to sleep. The next morning she woke up and went down stairs. When she was waching the news she saw a report on a girl her age who was killed last night by an unknown man, she was foung in the same alley that she walked through last night!!!!!! she went to the police station and told them she thought she could identify the man who killed the young girl. They caught him later that day and he admitted everything. The police asked her if they could do anything to repay for the information she had given them, she only told them to ask him why he hadn't done it to her but let her pass by; they agreed and asked him. They came back in and told her that he said it was because to big man were on either side of her. She quietly prayed for the girl who walked up the alley after her, she also thanked him for her safety. 87% of teens don't stand by god, copy and pasted it for your journel entry blog thing for your profile.