Why I've Been Gone

2 days, 8 hrs & 51 mins ago
13th Mar 2025 21:11Hey y'all! Sorry it's been about 6 months since I last posted, but a lot has happened in those 6 months. First, I got a Staph infection, which had me hospitalized for a week. 3 months after that, I had heart surgery, so I had to stay in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks. Finally, I just got back from my most recent hospital stay, which was only about 3 days. Because of all these absences, I've had a butt ton of schoolwork and it's been really overwhelming and just a lot to manage. But at my most recent stay, I got to see some good friends, and convinced my mom to get me these really pretty cherry earrings

I'm also going to see another good friend tomorrow, so yay for that! I have to go to school tomorrow, too, which is bleh. Oh well. My dad's making me so I can get all the work I missed. There's also a funeral that day, so I guess it's good that I'm going. It'll also be good to see my school friends, and I like my teachers, too, and they seem to like me. I'm currently working on a research paper, and the topic is really interesting (the ethics of xenotransplantation), but ugh it takes so much time and work. Plus it's just been absolutely impossible for me to focus these days. I have ADHD, but I take medicine for it, so something's wrong. Maybe I need to up my dosage? Who knows. So many things are wrong with me these days... Well, it's late, and as I said I have school tomorrow. So I'm going to sign off for now. See you later, friends!