Leprechaun run

2 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
18th Oct 2022 19:18To remind myself it's worth doing the quests instead of buying RP.
Quests done: 265
Start MP: 2,000,000
End MP: 466
Start RP: 0
End RP: 445,689
If I'd bought this amount RP for MP@1:15: 6,685,335 MP
If I'd spent the same amount of MP on RP@1:15: 133,302 RP
Without the 25% boost from today: 356,551 RP
With a buy/sell cost @1:15: 5,348,268 MP
Results: Questing cost less than half the total resale value even when selling at a 1:15 ratio without the 25% boost. This was through some shop buying rather than SS - if entirely through SS it may be closer to half, but still.