2021 account progress

4 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
31st Dec 2020 15:53Continuing directly on from the 2020 account progress I just finalized, here goes.
mags [12/12]
news [12/12]
checklist [12/12]

Intro's collection figures:
food 5,460 --> 6,314
CDs 414 --> 445
DVDs 328 --> 361
toys 5,127 --> 5,809
books 541 --> 602
mags 2,981 --> 4,011
news 1,027 --> 1,332
instruments 1,076 --> 1,250
Meloniee's beefy stats:
stats 708 --> 820 (867 health)
elites 518 --> 586
quests 45,758 --> 50,736
battles won 49,453 --> 51,762
missions 3,025 --> 3,524
plates 1,053 --> 1,386
photos 1,270 --> 1,846
wardrobe 3,245 --> 3,480
Elger -- 43rd & 17,420 --> 49th & 19,840
MT -- 29th & 27,726 --> 34th & 28,038
continue all pets to 50 magic [19 --> 32! (ALL
