Marada Goals & Progress

6 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
14th Aug 2018 21:30 MARADA GOALSBaspinar's CastleComplete Level 20 or higher Troll missionBiala MountainComplete Level 16 or higher Blitzen's Grotto missionCandyland
You need to use a Chocolate CostumeCity Sewers
Play Sewer Struggle and gain a Stat for your pet
City of MaradaComplete Level 25 or higher Tarquin's Library missionDukka Caves
Own any pet wearing a Killer Costume
Eleka's CastleComplete level 13 or higher at the Fates missionEnpiah
Your pet must turn Mutant by creating a minipet at the Laboratory
Foxfire Forest
Start a School lesson that Wise Walee pays for
Gigantic Paradise
Plant a Magic Bean to grow a Beanstalk
You need to use a Sponge Costume
Kamilah Desert
Complete Every Level to finish the Magic Carpet
Complete 25 or more Drew quests
Lush Lake
Minipet Island
Have 750 or more Plates in your Plate Collection
Own any pet wearing an Angel Costume
Puchalla Village
You need to use a Defective Costume
Complete the Simerian Explorer Treasure MapSlater Park
You need to use a Clown CostumeUndying WoodsComplete Level 15 or higher Trotter's Movies missionVortex ParkComplete Level 5 or higher Penitentiary missionZiranek
You need to use a Digital CostumePROGRESS
1. Complete Level 22 or higher of Simeria Goals (complete SETM, or in other words: not gonna happen)
1. Complete Level 23 or higher of Elekas Castle Goals
2. Win a prize on a Scratchcard
2. Create an Undying Minipet
2. Free or Bribe a Pet out of Prison
2. Fix a Broken Home (Attic)
2. Grow an Organic Minipet
1. Complete Level 25 or higher of Nimbus Goals
2. Have the Genie grant your wish
1. Complete Level 25 or higher of Jenoa Goals
2. Enter the Monthly Checklist
1. Complete Level 26 or higher of City of Marada Goals
2. Send a pet to the Gates of the Graveyard
2. Win a Wild Minipet in the Battle Arena
2. Pay an Electricity Bill
1. Complete Level 27 or higher of Lush Lake Goals
2. Restock from a main shop an item that has a Retirement Date
1. Complete Level 28 or higher of Baspinars Castle Goals
2. Use the Capsule Machine
3. Collect 750 or more Plates in your Plate Collection
2. Complete a level of the Beanstalk