My Lost Sock Awareness Day

6 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
12th May 2018 15:17Well here is how my experience with the sock day went.
Went to Shusan and tried to do a quest and got
Get a ho ho sweater
The only one I could find was this
Ho Ho Ho Sweater
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or AU accepted, mail. Will discount for multiple purchases.
Instant Sale Price
Next I put on the help forum
Can someone lend me 25 million MP\'s?(just joking) But seriously how am I supposed to do this?
So I wait for it to time out and go back and get this
Flag Tank Top
not to bad only 1 mil mp but they are all in trades and no one is online arghhhhh
Flag Tank Top
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or a capsule token

Instant Sale Price
so now it will either time out again or I may get lucky and someone get online
.....whistles wheel of fortune music
So far I have had to let it time out 5 times What do you think should I give it another try or not?