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12:54:26 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Started playing September 19th 2018 10:27pm
July 8th is my birthday!

Im not lazy, YES I will check your blogs for swaps! 🤣
I also auto-price and set trades at or below lowest available. I love to trade for things I need! Cant afford it - MM/MT to discuss a deal!!

MARAPETS-DO-NUT-FALL Hi, Im SpoiledPepsi the one and only, and welcome to my profile page!
I’ve been playing Marapets since September 19, 2018 and am the self proclaimed Renat Queen!

I collect frogs irl and have well over 400 various frog things in my collection from home and garden decor to plushies and clothes and everything in between. I’ve even kept live frogs a time or 2, so needless to say but I will anyway...
Renat is my favorite species here on Marapets.

Scarlet_Rainydesert is my first pet and will never be for sale or trade. Her name is something special I use in many games for characters. She is my collector, scholar, musician, chef, “renaissance” frog. She might not be a Renat when you look at her though because she is also a portal jockey.

In the World of Real
She/Her Queer Pan Poly/ENM
Im a domestic engineer and avid gamer. I am happily married to my best friend who I met playing World of Warcraft. We’ve known each other since 2008 and have been together since 2012. I’ve been playing video games for over 30 years on many different platforms. I play Marapets from my pc as well as tablet and phone but mostly tablet as of late. I use Safari browser on iPad Pro. Yes, I really DO play this much. It’s a gift and a curse. If Im not on Marapets Im most likely on my PS4 and have over 300 games in my collection.

Severe insomniac so who knows if I’m awake or not.

My memory isn’t so good - apologies in advance.

Note to staff:
Joruski is my husband
MissMaru is my mom

I’m sorry. I can be hard to handle and at times super sensitive. Bipolar Manic Depression, Chronic Insomnia, and Addictive Personality are just some of the fun features of my day to day life. I can be scary when I’m manic but I promise I don’t bite just bark :p and once you get to know me you’ll see I’m actually super fun to be around. Crazy and all :D
  1. Gallery List
    4th Feb 2020 19:44
    5 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
  2. Missing Costumes
    7th Dec 2020 20:28
    4 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  3. 👗 Missing Wardrobe Part 1 👗
    2nd Mar 2020 18:09
    5 years & 12 days ago
  4. 👗 Missing Wardrobe Part 2 👗
    2nd Mar 2020 18:19
    5 years & 12 days ago
  5. Food For My Fatty
    21st May 2020 21:32
    4 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  6. 📚Missing Books📚
    27th Nov 2019 12:41
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  7. 💿Missing CDs💿
    27th Nov 2019 12:55
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  8. 📼Missing DVDs📼
    27th Nov 2019 13:29
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  9. 📫Missing Stamps📫
    27th Nov 2019 15:12
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  10. ⚔️Missing Trading Cards⚔️
    27th Nov 2019 14:58
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
Here’s your reward...
6 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
17th Nov 2018 17:35


Candy Tree
Candy Tree Game - 11/28/18
Candy Papaya - 11/28/18
Cola Gummy Hand - 11/28/18
Candy Plum - 11/28/18
Candy Apple - 11/28/18
Coconut Gummy Hand - 11/29/18
Cherry Gummy Leg - 12/6/18
Candy Green Grapes - 12/7/18
Candy Purple Grapes - 12/7/18
Lemon Gummy Foot - 12/13/18
Candy Horned Melon - 12/13/18
Blueberry Gummy Foot - 12/15/18
Lemon Gummy Foot - 12/15/18
Apple Gummy Bat Wing - 12/16/18
Candy Strawberry - 12/16/18
Watermelon Gummy Leg - 12/16/18
Coconut Gummy Bat Wing - 12/18/18
Candy Green Grapes - 12/23/18
Watermelon Gummy Foot - 12/24/18
Blueberry Gummy Leg - 12/27/18
Blueberry Gummy Hand 12/27/18
Liquorice Gummy Leg 12/27/18
Candy Apple - 12/27/18
Candy Honey Melon - 12/27/18
Watermelon Gummy Foot - 12/27/18
Candy Green Grapes - 12/27/18
Blueberry Gummy Foot - 12/27/18
Candy Blueberry - 12/29/18
Orange Gummy Foot - 12/30/18

Toy Block 0 - 11/17/18
Toy Block 5 - 11/17/18
Chippy Trading Card - 11/17/18
Toy Block Y - 11/17/18
Toy Block G - 11/17/18
Toy Block A - 11/17/18
Chippy Trading Card - 11/20/18**
Toy Block N - 11/20/18
Toy FIX - 11/20/18
Toy FIX - 11/20/18
Toy Block X - 11/27/18
Toy Block C - 11/27/18
Toy Block 9 - 11/27/18
Toy Block I - 11/27/18
Toy Block V - 11/27/18
Toy Block E - 11/27/18
Toy FIX - 11/28/18
Toy FIX - 11/29/18
Toy Block L - 12/2/18
Toy FIX - 12/5/18
Toy Block Z - 12/11/18
Toy Block 9 - 12/16/18 **
Chippy Trading Card - 12/19/18**
Chippy Trading Card - 12/19/18**
Toy Block 4 - 12/19/18
Toy Block F - 12/22/18
Toy Block N - 12/23/18**
Toy FIX - 12/23/18

** indicates duplicate

You have won Doyle Dip - 11/21/18
You have won Equilor Dip - 12/16/18
You have won Speiro Dip - 12/16/18

1 Voucher Coupon - 11/16/18

Ball of Yellow Yarn - 11/26/18
Ball of Red Yarn - 11/28/18
Ball of Brown Yarn - 11/28/18
Ball of Black Yarn - 11/28/18

Kamilah Traveller

Knutt House

15,000RP - 11/17/18
18,750RP - 11/29/18
Leprechaun Trading Card - 11/29/18
18,750RP - 11/29/18

Personal Trainer

Puchalla Inn
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/1/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/1/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/1/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/1/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/1/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/1/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/1/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/11/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/18/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert has gained a Charisma stat 12/18/18

Queen Bee
Iridescent Butterfly Cape - 11/26/18
Short Dawn Butterfly Skirt - 11/26/18
Moth Antennas - 11/26/18
Lavender Honey - 11/26/18
Short Butterfly Skirt - 11/26/18
Lime Honey - 11/26/18
Butterfly Cape - 12/27/18

Robot Repair

Santa Claws
Santa Claws Trading Card - 11/29/18
25,000MP - 11/29/18


Simerian Excavator


Various Rewards

Balloon Burst
Capsule Machine Token - 12/1/18

Congratulations! You won a Full House at Bingo and won £10 Account Upgrade Credit. - 11/20/18

Duck or Dive
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 25,000MP from Heckles' Duck! - 11/19/18
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 25,000MP from Heckles' Duck! - 11/22/18
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 25,000MP from Heckles' Duck! - 12/9/18
Duck, duck, duck! You have won 25,000MP from Heckles' Duck! - 12/20/18

Dukka Dash
You won Fake One Hundred Fifty Dukka Coin - 11/19/18
You won Fake Four Hundred Dukka Coin - 11/20/18
You won Five Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin Plushie - 11/21/18
You just found Insert Coin Tank Top inside this bag of loot, You won You won Fake Ten Thousand Dukka Coin - 11/21/18
You won Fake Five Hundred Dukka Coin - 11/21/18
You won Fake Seven Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 11/24/18
You won Fake Five Thousand Dukka Coin - 11/26/18
You won Fake Four Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 11/28/18
You won Fake Five Thousand Dukka Coin - 11/29/18
You won Fake Four Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 11/30/18
You won Fake One Thousand Dukka Coin - 12/1/18
You won Fake Nine Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin 12/5/18
You won Sixty Dukka Coin Plushie - 12/6/18
You won Fake Two Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 12/7/18
You won Fake Three Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 12/7/18
You won Fake Six Thousand Dukka Coin - 12/8/18
You won Fake Seven Thousand Dukka Coin - 12/9/18
You won Fake Eight Hundred Dukka Coin - 12/9/18
You won Fake Seven Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 12/11/18
You won Fake Four Thousand Dukka Coin - 12/11/18
You won Fake Six Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 12/13/18
You won Fake Three Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 12/13/18
You won Fake Four Thousand Dukka Coin - 12/14/18
You won Fake Five Hundred Dukka Coin - 12/14/18
You won Ninety Dukka Coin Plushie - 12/15/18
You won Thirty Dukka Coin Plushie - 12/15/18
You won Sixty Five Dukka Coin Plushie - 12/16/18
You won Fake Nine Thousand Dukka Coin - 12/16/18
You won Fake Five Hundred Dukka Coin - 12/16/18
You won Fake Three Thousand Dukka Coin - 12/17/18
You won Fake Two Hundred Dukka Coin - 12/18/18
You won Fake Eight Hundred Dukka Coin - 12/18/18
You won One Hundred Dukka Coin - 12/19/18
You just found Raining Dukka Coins inside this bag of loot - 12/20/18
You won Six Hundred Dukka Coin Plushie - 12/20/18
You won Fake Six Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin - 12/20/18
You won Fake Five Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin 12/24/18
You won Fake Four Hundred Dukka Coin - 12/30/18
You won Fake Three Thousand Dukka Coin - 12/31/18
You won Fake Four Thousand Dukka Coin - 1/1/19

Extract Enpiah
You won the 62,954RP Jackpot - 11/19/18
You dug up Checkered Bean - 12/3/18
You dug up Cupid Bean - 12/?/18
You dug up Blue Bean - 12/20/18

The Genie has granted Toaderella a wish! You now have a Essence of Murfin in your Inventory - 11/20/18
The Genie has granted Toaderella a wish!
You now have a Essence of Xoi in your Inventory - 11/21/18
Lyona has now gained 1 Magic Stat - 11/24/18

Guess the Weight
The potato weighed 8KG - You won Gingerbread Potato and 50,000MP!! - 12/18/18

Murfin Madness
Scarlet_Rainydesert gained one charisma stat! - 11/20/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert gained one charisma stat! - 11/21/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert also won a Sick Hump T Shirt! - 11/22/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert gained one charisma stat! - 11/22/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert gained one charisma stat! - 11/26/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert gained one charisma stat! - 11/29/18
You also won a Hump Survivor Mug! - 12/1/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert gained one charisma stat! - 12/5/18
You also won a Walee Survivor Mug! - 12/7/18
You also won a Renat Survivor Mug! - 12/8/18
You also won a Daisy Survivor Mug! - 12/11/18
You also won a Sick Tantua T Shirt! - 12/11/18
Scarlet_Rainydesert gained one charisma stat! - 12/11/18
You also won Sindi Survivor Mug! - 12/13/18
You also won a Ercuw Survivor Mug! - 12/16/18
You also won a Justin Survivor Mug! - 12/16/18
You also won a Figaro Survivor Mug! 12/24/18
You also won a Sick Azul T Shirt! - 12/30/18
You also won a Equilor Survivor Mug! - 12/30/18
You also won a Feliz Survivor Mug! - 12/31/18

One in a Million
Congratulations! You won Millionaire Kujo Plushie - 11/25/18
Congratulations! You guessed correctly - there were 31,912 Coins! You won 1,000,000MP - 12/21/18
Congratulations! You won Millionaire Zoosh Plushie - 12/27/18
Congratulations! You won Millionaire Crikey Plushie - 1/1/19

Sewer Struggle
You uncovered a very smelly Green Ushunda Potion - 11/29/18
You uncovered a very smelly Checkered Ushunda Potion - 12/5/18
You won the 42,286BP Jackpot - 12/9/18
You uncovered a very smelly Sketch Ushunda Potion - 12/19/18
You uncovered a very smelly Snow Ushunda Potion - 12/20/18

Sugar Stack
Cheesecaker gained a Health Stat - 11/17/18
Watermelon Sugar Cube - 11/18/18
Lyona gained a level stat - 11/19/18
Toaderella gained a defence stat - 11/21/18
Sugar Stack Book - 11/21/18
Phalanges gained a stamina stat - 11/21/18
Watermelon Sugar Cube - 11/29/18
Tangerine Sugar Cube - 12/1/18
TradeQuest gained a speed stat - 12/1/18
Pyxicephalus gained a health stat - 12/5/18
Croaked gained a speed stat - 12/6/18
Green Sugar Cube - 12/7/18
Sugarmites - 12/8/18
I_ate_Nemo gained a stamina stat - 12/9/18
Sugar Bombs - 12/16/18

Vortex Park Photo - 11/17/18

  1. Gallery List
    4th Feb 2020 19:44
    5 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
  2. Missing Costumes
    7th Dec 2020 20:28
    4 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  3. 👗 Missing Wardrobe Part 1 👗
    2nd Mar 2020 18:09
    5 years & 12 days ago
  4. 👗 Missing Wardrobe Part 2 👗
    2nd Mar 2020 18:19
    5 years & 12 days ago
  5. Food For My Fatty
    21st May 2020 21:32
    4 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  6. 📚Missing Books📚
    27th Nov 2019 12:41
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  7. 💿Missing CDs💿
    27th Nov 2019 12:55
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  8. 📼Missing DVDs📼
    27th Nov 2019 13:29
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  9. 📫Missing Stamps📫
    27th Nov 2019 15:12
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  10. ⚔️Missing Trading Cards⚔️
    27th Nov 2019 14:58
    5 years, 3 months & 16 days ago