Snowman Maraween 2017

7 years, 4 months & 22 days ago
21st Oct 2017 18:25Crooked Staff[]
Devil Suit []
Feathers [x] got on quest 81
Gourmet Zombie Meal[]
Gun Holster[]
Halloween Azul Plushie []
Halloween Jacket[x] got on quest 2
Harvest Scythe[x] around quest 17
Nightmare Glow []
Nightmare Top[]
Pile of Leaves[x] Quest 9
Plastic Yellow Spider Ring[x]
Skull Wreath[x] ((So many of these))
Spooky Doughnut[x]
Spooky Shirt[x]
Vampire Pencil[x]
So many you get X amount of MP between 1 and 80.
81- 84 were all MP