Dream Pets

17 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
18th Oct 2007 21:27Not that I'm not happy with what I have, I'd just like to have some of these someday.
Bolimo - Zombie
Daisy - Nefarious
Equilor - Ninja
Ideus - Fire
Renat - Baby
Sindi - Zombie
Tantua - Dark, Gothic, Halloween
Yuni - Mutant, Prison, Red, Zombie
Zetlian - Halloween
Got the Gothic Fasoro finally!!
UPDATED April 14th, 2014 sorta-Boy how my tastes have changed.
Anime Chibs
Anime Poera
Baby Daisy
Baby Figaro
Burnt Kaala
Checkered Oglue
Dark Fairy Daisy
Dark Fairy Yuni
Devil Daisy
Eleka Poera
Fire Vixen
Gothic Crindol
Hairy Gonk
Halloween Chibs
Ice Cream Chibs
Mental Yuni
Midnight Poera
Minipet Daisy
Minipet Ercuw
Mutant Kaala
Neon Sybri
Party Chibs
Sketch Daisy
Sketch Poera
Splatter Yuni
Spring Chibs
Spring Troit
Summer Sybri
Summer Yuni
Toy Gonk
Toy Sybri
Undying Fairy Yuni
Vampire Yuni
Winter Sybri
Zombie Murfin
Zombie Yuni