~GO TITANS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
13th Oct 2007 11:33I am in a Leadership group at my school, I am on the vollyball team, and cant wait until basket ball season! Im addicted to marapets, and Im crazy about my school! Homecoming week is the best! Its when we dress up every day of that day differintly...like every year theres a waky day...the best day! Halloweens coming up...my mom said im getting to old for it, but i dont care im still going! I love dressing up! and I want to go with my best friend again this year!.....Also I absolutely love to watch my fellow classmates play football....almost all of the boys in our grade play...its so awsome...to hear that one of your friends on the loud speaker that they made a touch down! Our eith graders almost always win our games!
I love the eighth grade! its the best ever! we get three dances this year....one of the dances ESPCIALLY for our grade (8th) just because we are going on to high school!
~Well I guess thats it for now!~