A { Art Notice

8 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
19th Sep 2016 18:21I will no longer be doing art on mara, at least for a rather long time. Quite simply I have no time and much more important and life-related things both art and not art related to focus on.
I will do a free req board occasionally, but that's about it.
Just so you all know, since that being said I won't accept requests or commissions through other means apart from the free req boards I post~
To-Do List
o NV --> Lance 1/2 completed
o JuJu Dolls --> IMPT!! Finish all by Sunday 25th
o Give toyboks finished ver. of her chara from old req board {Whenever but preferably sooner than later}
o Finish avvie requests --> All by Thursday 22nd
--> Still owe Jinxed crow one
--> Fae needs bubbles edited
--> 2 club avvies