Pet Updates

9 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
13th Nov 2015 15:45[center]The last time I posted a blog entry on my pets was about 5 years ago, so I thought I would update it a bit, since the information on there is a bit misleading.
Arthfael: He's a zombie kidlet, and was recently made here in 2015.
Bayott: Bayott still remains an Anime Bolimo. The potion I bought for him was used on April 23, 2010.
Constellationa: Remains a Halloween Newth. The operation portal does wonderful things, my friends.
Countera: She is my Splatter Fasoro. I'm not sure when I put the costume on her, it's been quite a while, but Countera was made back in 2009 I do believe.
Fautrix: Another recent baby of mine here in 2015. Fautrix is a shaved Kaala.
Kyosk: Kyosk remains my pet, but has changed costumes quite a few times. Kyosk was a ghost gonk back in 2010, but was changed into a Musical Doyle. The Musical Doyle remained for quite a long time, but recently I decided that I was not a fan of that costume any longer. Kyosk is now a Stoneage Zetlian, which I absolutely adore.
LumbahJack: Jack remains an Easter Newth, and was made an Easter Newth back in 2009.
Quarania: Also remains in her form from 5 years ago as a Skeleton Kidlet. She was made as such in 2009 and was never changed.
Iynx: She is a Blitzen Fasoro. I'm not exactly sure when she was made that way, somewhere between 2010 and 2011.
I don't have any plans to trade or auction off any of my pets, but I'm not saying that it won't happen in the future.[/center]