The name is Kia.
My pets are NFT and never will be, don't ask!
So my newest thing to collect is Newth items.
Oh and btw I'm a little obsessive about lists...*points to blog* PET LENDING IS BACK!Yeah -- so I amKiaand thats about it. I am boring (even though I enjoy music and rpgs). I am an adult player and this page will reflect me in some fashion... Eventually... I love penguins, I have a collection started in my home, and that is why I have 13 Newth pets.
I am looking to swap for these worms. If you are interested post here with what you have and what you need. If there is an X by something it means I've gotten it already.
What I need:
[X]Aqua Worm
[X]Beige Striped Worm
[X]Beige Worm
[X]Gold Meal Worm
[X]Gold Striped Worm
[X]Lime Green Meal Worm
[X]Sky Blue Meal Worm
[X]Sky Blue Worm
[X]Tyrian Meal Worm
My spares:
Aqua Meal Worm x1
Aqua Striped Worm x1
Aubergine Striped Worm x1
Beige Meal Worm x2
Blue Meal Worm x18
Blue Striped Worm x16
Blue Worm x13
Brown Meal Worm x2
Brown Striped Worm x1