
11 years & 28 days ago
15th Feb 2014 02:18Today is Valentines Day... It is also Loners Awareness Day and Forever Alone day... Now, I'm not a fan of Valentines Day in any way shape or form, but for the first time in maybe ten years I have to admit it was pretty decent.

I watched '6 Feet Under' - a very sadistic and morbid comedy about death for most of the day with my boyfriend.
Had an audition for a pretty awesome commercial and I'm hoping for good news, fingers crossed. =x
Had a lunch date at my favorite Thai Food restaurant with my Boyfriend and my mom.

Then ended the night playing my favorite game - Monopoly - beating my boyfriend to a pulp with my extravagant good playing skills.

All in all it was a pretty adventurous and favorable day. One in which I was pleasantly surprised by the unique outcome of one of my most hated holidays.
It made me realize that Valentines Day doesn't have to be a holiday dedicated to love birds or a day of realizing how "alone" it can make us feel; but rather a day that puts all the things I sometimes take for granted into a new perspective, fresh dusted. It made me realize how much I appreciate my mom and all the things she has ever done for me. It makes my heart flutter knowing my brother is growing up and becoming such a beautiful young man right before my eyes. As for my boyfriend, today has made me realize how much he means to me and how lucky I am to have someone who truly listens to me... <3 I feel blessed and loved and that is absolutely a new and rare feeling to feel on such a random, ordinary day.
I hope everyone on here enjoyed today. I felt so at home during the moments I was addicted to Marapets and had to get on and the beautiful users that populate Mara made me feel even more loved and lucky to know so many great, caring, un-judgmental people. Thank you all for such a lovely day.
And thank you QUIETRAGE for being such a wonderful boyfriend and friend...
With Much Love,