About me ~stolen~

11 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
28th Aug 2013 23:47001. What is Your Name?: April
002. How old are you?: ~
003. Where are you from?: New Zealand!!
004. What is your height?: I haven't measured myself in years
005. Do you have any siblings?: Yup! A little sister
006. What is your eye color?: Brown
007. What is your hair color?: Brown
008. Do you wear glasses or contacts?: Neither
009. Are you right handed or left handed?: Right handed
010. Do you have any piercings?: Ears xD
011. Do you smoke?: Nope!!
012. Do you swear?: Very rarely
013. Do you get along with your parents?: Ofcourse~~
014. Your nationality: Kiwi
015. Your fears: the majority of insects, esp spiders!!
016. Goal you would like to achieve this year:
017. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger: "lol"
018. Best Physical Feature: Hair
019. Your bedtime: 11pm
020. What time do you arise in the morning?: Changes from day to day but generally 6:30am in the weekdays. During the weekends about 11am
021. First thoughts waking up?: I'm usually too dead to think at 6:30 in the morning
022. Do you shower daily?: Yup
023. Bright or dark room?: Bright I guess. Cream coloured walls
024. Chocolate or vanilla?: CHOCOLATE
026. Pepsi or Coke?: None!! Softdrinks are bad >< But if I had to choose - pepsi
028. Ant or Dec?: O_O
029. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?: I dunno what Nestea is.. so i'll go with lipton
030. Cappuccino or Coffee?: Cappuccino
In the last month have you...
031. Drank alcohol?: No
032. Gone to a mall?: Yes
033. Eaten a box of Oreos?: No
034. Eaten sushi?: YES! I love sushi
035. Been on stage?: No
036. Been dumped?: No
037. Gone skinny dipping?: No
038. Stolen Anything?: No
Have you ever...
039. Laughed for no reason?: Yes
040. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?: Yup
041. Been in love?: Nope
042. Fired a gun?: Nope
043. Been drunk?: Nope
044. Been called a Tease?: No
045. Been beaten up?: LOL, no
046. Shoplifted?: no
What was the last...
047. Furry thing you touched?: UMM.. my jumper?
048. Thing you've said?: Can't remember
049. Song you've listened to?: Justin Timberlake at the VMAs
050. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?: Who even speaks on the phone anymore? kidding- my dad
051. Movie you watched?: Now you see me
052. Thing you were doing before this?: Facebook
053. Time you cried?: I have no idea
054. Song you've sang?: Well.. I was singing along to JT
055. Time you looked at the clock?: Just now 6:30pm
056. Food and drink you've had?: Muffin and water
057. Flavour of gum you've chewed?: ew, gum
058. Shoes you've worn?: My chucks
059. Store you've been in?: Glassons
060. Planet?: Neptune
061. Age you've been so far?: now
062. Season?: SUMMER (or spring)
063. Number?: 7
064. TV show?: Vampire diaries, greys anatomy, arrow, nikita, the big bang theory, Ellen, Jono and Ben at Ten
065. Flower?: rose
066. How much cash do you have on you?: just some change
067. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'?: pour
068. What T-shirt are you wearing?: I'm not wearing a t-shirt!! I'm shirtless.. jk. Its winter here so i'm wearing a jumper
069. What brand of shoes are you wearing?: i'm wearing just socks atm
070. What did your last text message say?: "i'm not at uni yet

071. What were you doing at midnight last night?: just finished my last exam so I was just going through youtube vids
072. What's your current desktop picture?: some random defult one
073. What's a word that you say a lot?: not sure
074. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?: purple
075. How is the weather right now?: cold and rainy - although I do like listening to the rain pounding on the roof.
076. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: lol, their height I guess?
077. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: Yep
078. Can you do a headstand (without using a wall)?: Yeah when I was little

haha, but i haven't tried in years
079. Who would you like to see right now?: my sister
080. How many pillows do you sleep with?: Just the one
081. Would you go on a date with someone online: NO
082. How do you want to die?: not something I really think about..
083. What do you want to be when you grow up?: well i'm already in uni so I cant really change it now. But when I was little and had wild dreams I wanted to be a air hostess
084. What country would you most like to visit?: New york
085. How many CDs do you own?: lol.. lets not talk about that
086. How many things in your past, do you regret?: nothing really stands out for me, but everything in your past good or bad makes you who you are so I wouldn't want to change that.
087. Do you think you are attractive?: ofcourse, lol jokes
088. Do you believe in yourself?: yupyup
089. Do you want to get married?: OFCOURSE