The name is Kia.
My pets are NFT and never will be, don't ask!
So my newest thing to collect is Newth items.
Oh and btw I'm a little obsessive about lists...*points to blog* PET LENDING IS BACK!Yeah -- so I amKiaand thats about it. I am boring (even though I enjoy music and rpgs). I am an adult player and this page will reflect me in some fashion... Eventually... I love penguins, I have a collection started in my home, and that is why I have 13 Newth pets.
Dear kiamonster You have been sent a 9th Birthday Male Costume Dear kiamonster You have been sent a 9th Birthday Female Costume from my dad! With this message Happy Birthday daughter dear. Enjoy the gifties!
Thanks! And sorry to hear your dad isn't around.
111 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 19th Aug 2013 18:39
That dad is cool as all heck. wish my dad was still around so I could have things like that too lol. happy bday girly
111 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 19th Aug 2013 18:38
It has really made my day!
111 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 19th Aug 2013 16:19
aw this made me smile - cute
111 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 19th Aug 2013 16:18
I just got a bunch more stuff from him too! I am smiling from ear to ear!
Dear kiamonster You have been sent a Female Thriller Jacket Dear kiamonster You have been sent a One Hundred Dukka Coin Dear kiamonster You have been sent a Two Dukka Coin Dear kiamonster You have been sent a Ninety Five Dukka Coin Dear kiamonster You have been sent a Female Evil Queen Costume.
I just can not contain my happiness!
111 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 19th Aug 2013 16:09
That's sweet
111 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 19th Aug 2013 16:05
Glad to make your day dear
111 years, 6 months & 23 days ago 19th Aug 2013 15:35