Dream Newth's

11 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
17th Aug 2013 08:39I have a few costumes/potions/plushies for these I just need pet boxes. Also this does not mean I want to buy these costumes/potion/plushies off of you, I do not have the MP that's why they are dream pets.
Cartoon Newth-Just need the room.
Christmas Newth-Just need the room.
Devil Newth-Just need the room.
Firework Newth
Halloween Newth-Won a potion from a give away from lilolollo
Icecream Newth-Just need the room.
Lightning Newth-Just need the room.
Love Newth
Minipet Newth-My very good friend found one cheap in auctions for me!
Pinata Newth-Just need the room.
Rainbow Newth
Red Newth-Dear kiamonster You have been sent a Enchanted Red Newth Plushie from Rebornray!
Winter Newth-Dear kiamonster You have been sent a Enchanted Winter Newth Plushie from XXXXXX!