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  1. I Got Plans
    26th Jun 2019 14:11
    5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
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    5 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
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    16th Feb 2019 21:33
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    3rd Feb 2018 23:07
    7 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
  5. Pixel Chibi Examples
    16th Dec 2017 13:44
    7 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
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    12th Dec 2017 20:40
    7 years & 3 months ago
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    9th Dec 2017 15:36
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    18th May 2017 22:40
    7 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
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    15th Mar 2017 16:05
    7 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  10. Goals for 2017
    31st Dec 2016 16:17
    8 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
Gold: Hunger Games Fanfic
11 years, 10 months & 21 days ago
21st Apr 2013 21:45

Chapter 1
Gold Has a Golden Hunger Games

???Gold of District 1.??? Were the words that changed Goldencard vi Panem???s life. His district makes luxury items. He is naturally a fancy person and wears a top hat and monocle. He is a happy and sometimes ferocious 15 year old. He specialises in using his own fists for weapons. He is initially unhappy about being chosen, but as he makes his way to the train, he realizes that he has trained his whole life for the Games as all children in his district do. He is taken to his train, and is taken aback by its fanciness. Alas, he is not intimidated and responds politely to anything said. He is shown to his rooms and begins his training. He arrives at the training center.

Chapter 2
Matt Keeps Swimming in Tears

???Matt of District 4??? Those were the words Matt did not want to hear. Upon hearing them he cried to the train station and fainted. Matt ne Panem is a weak, but optimistic tribute. His district is all ocean. He has no knowledge of fighting whatsoever being one of the only spoiled children in his district. He wakes up on the train and then faints again knowing what he has to do. He is given a motivational speech by many strange looking people and he is on his way to his rooms. He arrives at the training center.

Chapter 3
Manda Cries and Has a Ponytail

???Manda of District 5.??? Those words sealed Manda???s fate, she would join the Hunger Games. Her industry specializes in weapons, so naturally she is skilled with them. She favors a spear when fighting. Manda, full name Amanda zi Panem, is a sometimes angry 15 year old girl that is normal in her district. After she is chosen, she seems rather happy about being chosen. Her daily routine is work, eat, sleep, repeat. She sheds no tears. Manda is taken to a high-speed train that will take her to the Capitol. The train is fancier than anything she has ever seen. The ride is not far to her district, but different than anything she has ever seen. She is shown to her rooms and she begins her training. She arrives at the training center.

Chapter 4
Matt and Manda team up; Gold meets Emma and Danny; Danae, Sally, and Miranda join forces

When at the training center, Matt seeing the other tributes fights back tears, but remains strong. One person whom he particularly notices is Manda. When shown into the facility He immediately goes to Manda. They work out an alliance, together in the Arena, they would go to the cornucopia and get the offerings and leave while protecting each other. They then look for others to join them.

Gold, in the training center, is confident about winning seeing the others. He hopes to align with Emma, a girl from his district, and Danny from district 2. After talking with them he finds out Emma, 15, wears a fancy suit most of the time and likes to use an axe to fight. He also notes how calm she seems. He discovers Danny, 16, likes to set elaborate traps, and he is very smart. After talking for a long time in the facility, they decide to work together in the Arena.

Meanwhile, some girls from Districts 2, 6, and 11 are going to work together. Sally, 15, from District 2, fights like a maniac and has hoped to be in the Hunger Games since she could talk. She fights with a bow and arrow. Miranda, 16, from District 6, uses a sword to fight. Miranda is very sad most of the time. Danae, 17, from district 11 has spiky hair and uses nunchucks. She is very energetic most of the time. The three agree to fight with each other in the Games.

Chapter 5
Gold Sparkles; Manda Wins; Matt has a Hard Time

The interviews are coming and Gold is rapidly preparing. Hoping he will at least do okay. He is second for the interviews so he isn???t sure what to expect. Upon hearing his name called he walks to the interview chair. The interviewer, Adam, asks Gold a series of questions with most of the answers being something like ???I???m fancier and better so I will crush them all.??? He plays the crowd perfectly. Afterwards from his mentor he learns that he did a great job. Sponsors are already lining up. Gold is getting very confident about winning at this point.

Matt is ready for the interviews, and he is prepared. He is still extremely nervous. When it is his turn, he is brought to tears. Adam asks him multiple questions which he responds truthfully. He then slips a detail he regrets, he has made an alliance with Manda from 5. The crowd goes crazy at this revelation and he faints. He wakes up to find that he will most likely get the most sponsors.

Manda is up for the interviews. Adam asks her many questions, but she never replies. She just stares at the ground the entire time while the crowd is silent. Finally, when she gets up she simply says, ???That was dumb??? and she leaves. Her mentor scolds her, but she doesn???t care because she isn???t going to win anyways. Little do they know though, she will actually get sponsors in the Arena.

The rest of the tributes fare well. Emma gains tons of admirers. Danae shows how much she wants to win. Danny shows off his brains gaining many sponsors. Sally is a maniac in the interview, but still gains tons of recognition. Miranda does okay, maybe gaining one or two sponsors.

Chapter 6
Oh No, the Games

Gold is feeling excited, the Games are today. He is taken to an underground facility where his stylist dresses him. He mentally prepares while being flown to a secret destination. He just hopes he is close to Emma or Danny when he enters the Arena. He arrives at the small room when he hears the words ???thirty seconds.??? He steps into a glass tube that will take him on his way. ???Twenty seconds??? he hears, he closes his eyes waiting to be taken up. ???Ten seconds??? the glass starts to close and he feels himself lifting. He is taken up and sees the circle of tributes.

Matt spends the rest of the night after the interview crying. He wakes up to learn the games are that day. He goes to an underground facility and is dressed by his stylist. Crying again, he is flown to his destination, the Games. He arrives in the room that will take him up to the arena. Upon hearing the voice say ???thirty seconds,??? he starts crying again and momentarily faints. He gets up to find the tube closing, and he barely gets in before it starts ascending. He sees the bright lights of the sun and sees the tributes.

Manda, not sleeping all the previous night, is being taken to the underground facility where she will be dressed. She is extremely tired, but needs to be ready to run. As she is being flown to the Arena, she falls asleep and her dreams are vivid; he being chased by the other tributes, her being shot right at the start of the games, and her hiding from the world. She arrives to the arena and enters a tiny room. Shortly after she hears a voice, ???thirty seconds??? it says. She takes a deep breath and steps into a glass tube in the room. ???Twenty seconds??? she waits for the tube to ascend. ???Ten seconds??? the glass closes and the tube starts to ascend. She sees the tributes around her and hears a booming voice. ???60, 59, 58...???

Chapter 7
The Beginning of the End

Matt looks around at the tributes and sees Manda standing next to him. The countdown has started and he has 40 seconds more until the games begin. They both silently agree to get what they need at the cornucopia and get out. ???20,19,18,17...??? the clock is done soon. Matt, fighting back tears gets ready to run. When the clock is ready he and Manda sprint to the cornucopia, Matt grabbing a few packs of supplies and Manda grabs a bow and some arrows, a spear, and 4 knives. Together they begin running into the surrounding nature. Matt, who is almost out of danger finds himself on the ground. Keri, the girl from District 8 has tackled him and has an axe in her hand. Seeing Matt in trouble, Manda, a little behind him, throws one of her knives at the girl and hits her in the head with the knife hilt. Keri, shocked, momentarily hesitates and Manda throw another knife this time hitting her on her neck which kills her. Matt takes her axe and he and Manda run.

When seeing the tributes, Gold sees Emma three people away, and Danny next to her. They all signal to each other when the countdown begins they all proceed to kill the tributes around them. Gold brawls with the boy from District 12, Rich, as well as the girl from District 9, Con. Danny and Emma both take out the boy from District 11. When there are no people left near the cornucopia, they claim all of the supplies remaining; which is most of them. Gold finds some brass knuckles to use as well as a pack full of fancy food. Emma finds two axes to use, and Danny winds snares and ropes to make elaborate traps with.

Danae, Sally, and Miranda???s alliance runs smoothly, finding each other when the Games begin and picking up a few packs of supplies. At the days end, the deaths from the first day are: Dana the girl from District 3, Hailey from District 4, Keri from District 8, Con from District 9, N from District 11, and Rich from District 12.

Chapter 8
Gold, Emma, and Danny are Careers

It is now nighttime three days into the Games. Four people have died since day one: both tributes from District 10 and the boy from District 6; fifteen people remain. The ???career pack??? or the tributes from Districts 1 and 2, consists of Gold, Emma, and Danny. All equipped with flashlights, they are looking for more people to kill. Danny sets some traps for the tributes while Emma and Gold scout for people. A cannon is heard and Danny smiles, Emma and Gold must have found someone.

Actually, Manda had just planted her axe in the chest of the boy from District 3. Matt had just fainted when he saw another tribute. She threw her axe at him. She picks up Matt and sets him in a bush where he is hidden, and goes to look for food.

Emma and Gold return to Danny, ???Which district???? he asks. They tell him they didn???t find anybody. Perplexed, Danny finishes setting his trap. ???Let???s go??? he says. Together the trio look for more people, while not straying too far away from the cornucopia. They walk for an hour before turning around. Taking a different route back, they walk by the bush Matt is hidden in.

Manda, who is in a tree hoping to find a birds nest, sees the careers and she throws a knife at Emma???s head and misses. The careers do not notice, and she has terrible luck because the rest of the knives are with Matt. Knowing she won???t get another chance to kill them, she silently searches the trees around her for food.

Meanwhile, Danae is off looking for a hidden place to sleep when she encounters another tribute. Quickly dismantling her with a pair of nunchucks, she finds a tree for them to sleep in and goes to find Sally and Miranda. By the time she reaches them, the cannon fires. Danae explains who she got, the tribute from 12, Alo.

The next day at sunset the remaining tributes learn who died the previous night: the boy from District 3 and the girl from 12.

Chapter 9
Here Comes the Sun Here Comes the Rain

Gold, Emma, and Danny are settling down for the night at the cornucopia. It???s been a week, and there have been no deaths since day three; there are twelve tributes left. ???The gamemakers are likely to do something soon??? thinks Gold. He was right. The head gamemaker, Adam, happened to be planning a category 5 hurricane to unleash on the Arena. With Emma on watch, Gold and Danny sleep. She notices the winds picking up, but doesn???t feel alarmed. Suddenly a barrage of wind and rain appear. The winds are so strong that their supplies starts blowing away. Emma wakes Gold and Danny, but they were too late. Almost all of the supplies were gone. They saved what they could in the cornucopia, but most of their food was taken away by the storm. Still going, the storm lasts for hours.

Matt and Manda are looking for food as the storm hits. Luckily for them, they have all their things in their packs, but they are still shaken. Trees are falling, they are soaked. It was going to be bad. They take shelter next to a large rock formation. They are fine until the rock formation falls. The first rock to fall hits Matt in the forehead and he is knocked out. Manda quickly carries Matt to safety. She sets him down, when she sees another tribute. The boy from 8. She throws her knife at him, but it is carried away by the wind. Having left the rest of her weapons with Matt in his pack, she goes and tackles him. Manda, furiously punching the boy while he struggles to break free, is about to kill him when the wind suddenly stops. A trident falls from the sky in a parachute and pierces the boy???s head, killing him. Manda takes the trident to Matt, who is still asleep, and tells him ???you have a trident Mr. Mermaid.??? Matt and Manda both are fine after the hurricane.

The tributes find out the boy from District 7 has died as well as the boy from District 8. Ten tributes remain.

Chapter 10
What do you know, Sponsors

Matt wakes up to find a trident lying next to him. Manda explains to him it was from a sponsor, but didn???t land next to him because of the wind. Excited to use his trident on real people, he throws it, but it ends up getting stuck in the tree. Matt, crying, tells Manda to go get it. Annoyed, she climbs up the tree and finds a dead tribute, the boy from District 5. Matt???s trident lodged in his head. Shocked, Manda tells Matt he actually killed someone. Matt, still crying because his new trident was ???stuck??? in a tree, faints again because he actually did it. Just as he had fainted, parachutes start raining down. Matt???s sponsors are sending him gifts. When Matt wakes up, he and Manda open them to find an assortment of items. He receives steak, bread, a lollipop, three hats, some rope, and a pillow. Jealous, Manda burns two of his precious hats. This prompts a parachute to rain down with a small sign saying ???No Fire.??? Still jealous, Manda goes to look for food while Matt guards their ???camp??? with his trident.

At the cornucopia, Gold receives a pair of elaborate pair of spiked brass knuckles from his sponsors. Hiding them for now, he goes to find Danny and Emma. Emma is cooking some fish found in the cornucopia over a fire, while Danny is checking the traps he set. When Danny calls them, they find the boy from District 9 hanging upside down by his feet. Instinctively, Emma buries her axe in his chest. They hear a cannon fire. They, check the other traps Danny has set, but find nobody else.

While Danae, Sally, and Miranda spend their time with each other on a tree, Miranda and Sally begin to hatch a plan. They are going to kill Danae while she sleeps since she is their biggest competition. Danae overhears, and as she is about to sleep she sprints away. Seeing her run, Sally throws a knife at her, but just misses her head. Already having her pack ready after hearing her knew foes, she runs into the forest they are residing in. As night approaches, the chase continues. Miranda and Sally are frantically chasing after Danae. As night settles, they are losing Danae. Danae knows she cannot go on much longer, so she silently slips behind a tree. Miranda and Sally passing, she runs in the direction she came knowing that they left what supplies they had there to pursue her. She grabs their supplies, and she settles in a tree two miles away. Before she sleeps, a parachute lands on her. Inside is a bottle full of electrolyte enhanced water. She drinks it, feeling refreshed, is about to go to sleep when she hears a cannon...

Chapter 11
Parting Ways

As Miranda and Sally continue to chase Danae (who has lost them by now), Sally stops suddenly with Miranda following suit. The Career pack is in front of them: Gold, Emma, and Danny. The two of them climb a tree, hoping they are not seen. Wanting to kill them all Sally throws one of her precious knives. Sally???s knife finds finds its target, Danny. Hitting in the neck, he falls. A cannon fires. Danny is gone.

Distraught, Gold and Emma look for where the knife came from as another comes whistling by them from a nearby tree. Emma sees the outlines of two girls, she hurls her axe at them but she misses. She sees them drop from the tree just as she is about to throw another.

Running, Miranda and Sally desperately try to run away from the girl with the axe. She is gaining on them, and they are tired after chasing after Danae. Sally decides she has to do something fast. She pushes Miranda over, causing her to fall. Ahead now, Sally disappears in the darkness of the forest, safe for now.

Miranda is on the ground helpless, the girl with the axe is almost upon her. She throws her one knife at the girl, catching her arm and causing her to drop the axe. While the girl is momentarily stunned, Miranda gets up and begins to run. The girl chases after her, and tackles her.

Matt and Manda are enjoying steaks in the darkness when they hear the cannon. Manda, not worried, continues her meal, but Matt faints again. Manda takes Matt???s steak and contemplates when she should kill him. Counting the cannons, Manda realizes there are seven tributes left including her. Just then the sky tells her who has died since the hurricane. She learns who has died: the boy from District 2, he boy from District 8 who Matt killed, the boy from District 9. Manda decides to wait until there are four tributes left to kill Matt. That way she will be one of the last two people left.

As Manda contemplates killing Matt, Emma is furiously beating Miranda. After repeated punches from Emma, Miranda is unconscious.

After seeing Emma chase after the girls who killed Danny, Gold takes all of their supplies and runs slips away. Emma has taken only her axe. This leaves her with no supplies. Walking away, he climbs a tree two miles away when he hears the cannon.

Emma has just sunk her axe into Miranda???s chest. The cannon fires. She returns to where Gold should have been, she is outraged to learn he is gone. After she realizes all of her weapons and food is gone, she sets out to hunt him.

Danae after hearing Danny???s cannon waits to see who has died since the hurricane. After seeing who, she soon hears another cannon. Confused, she decides to find a better hiding place. The energy drink giving her strength back after she was chased. She walks back towards the center of the Arena, and decides to hide in the Cornucopia. Nobody will find her there.

Sally has just now stopped running. She is well away from any tribute, but she does not let her guard down. She finds a place to sleep for the night, a hollowed out boulder. As she drifts off to sleep she realizes what she has done, killed two people in one night. She likes it.

Chapter 12
Matt's Mattastrophe

Manda and Matt are looking for anything to eat, berries, roots, plants, anything at all. They had ample food since Matt received sponsors, but after they ate their steaks, they ate the rest of their food after Matt woke from fainting. Manda has a plan: she will kill Matt when she gets to the Cornucopia. She decides to wait incase they encounter anything for Matt to act as bait.

Matt knows Manda???s plan to kill him. He woke late last night to hear her murmur her entire plan in her sleep. He knows what he is going to do. Fake faint when they reach the cornucopia, and when she tries to stab him, he will kill her with a knife with the element of ~S~u~R~p~1~$~3~. He is sure that his plan will work no matter what happens. Unless of course Manda has a sword not a knife. But he isn???t going to think of that right now, if he tries to run she will catch him anyways.

Danae is sitting in the cornucopia when she sees Matt and Manda coming straight towards her. Lying in wait, she prepares a knife.

Sally is hidden in a hollow rock. She hears footsteps, she cannot tell whose, pass her. She positions her knife to stab anyone. When they pass, she slips out of her rock and jogs for about five miles the other direction. She climbs a tree to stay in when she finds a bow and arrows caught in it. From the hurricane she thought. Great, her weapon of choice, she climbs to the top of the tree and looks out: she can see the cornucopia, it???s in arrow range. She sees two tributes walking towards it. She pulls her arrow back in the bowstring...

Gold is in a tree, perfectly hidden. In his mind he has already won the Games and he just has to wait a few more days. That is when he sees the birds nests lined in the tree he is in and the surrounding trees. The birds have razor sharp beaks, and there are hundreds of brown birds sleeping, camouflaged in the bark of the tree. He quickly climbs down the tree, careful not to disturb the birds. That is when he sees Emma, and she sees him through a clearing in the trees. She is in the distance, but if she sprints it will take only a minute or two to get there. Gold, frantic, knows he cannot kill Emma. As he is about to run, he has an idea. He takes one of his packs and throws it up into the tree, disturbing the bird nests. The first birds are aware of the situation when Emma is upon him. She doesn't notice the birds as they both sprint away.

Chapter 13
This is the End

Matt and Manda enter the clearing with the cornucopia. Matt, still going through with his plan, is about to faint as they reach the cornucopia when he sees someone inside. He sees her throw the knife directly at him. It missed and he sprints away just as Manda is about to tackle him. he dives for him and misses, falling in the process. Before Danae has the chance to throw another knife, Manda throws her axe at her, catching her throwing arm. Not being able to throw, Danae tackles Manda, with Matt nowhere in sight.

Sally still in range to fire an arrow at them prepares to shoot when she sees the knife come out of the cornucopia, and she sees the tribute from 4 sprint into the woods. As the girls fight at the cornucopia, Sally aims for the pair rolling around throwing punches. When she sees one of them pin the other down, she thinks she sees her about to stab the tribute. Not sure, she fires the bow. A direct hit. The cannon fires.

Gold is running away. He is being chased by two things, and isn???t sure which one is more Dangerous: Emma or the killer birds. He is beginning to tire when the cannon fires. This drives the birds to go even faster, almost overtaking Emma who is just behind him still not noticing the birds. They continue running on and on when Gold finally trips and falls on his face. Causing Emma to stop to kill him. The birds??? beaks drive into Emma???s body. The cannon fires. The birds, done with their job, fly away from Gold.

Manda is pinned down by Danae, and she is about to be stabbed by her knife when the arrow enters Danae???s body. The cannon fires and her body falls on top of her. Quickly,, she springs up and out of the clearing before another arrow can be fired. She searches for Matt when the next cannon fires.

Matt still running away from the cornucopia slows when he hears the cannon fire. He assumes Manda has finally been killed. Carefree, he slows to a walk not thinking anyone could follow him. Thats when he hears the next cannon, ecstatic he assumes the girl in the cornucopia and Manda are both dead leaving the career tributes and the other girl left. He keeps walking until night falls, he then slides under a bush to go to sleep.

Chapter 14
Now You???re Lying on the Cold Hard Ground

Sally, after killing Danae, quickly got out of the tree and away from the cornucopia. While running, she has a strange sensation of being followed. Looking around she sees nothing, but she stops and climbs a tree. She looks down and sees two giant bears staring up at her.

Matt wakes up to the sound of footsteps approaching. Hoping he is hidden stays quiet. Unknowing to him, Manda has come looking for him. When Matt sees her face through the bush, and then the axe, and he faints.

Gold, upon hearing the cannons, climbs a tree and then takes a nap. There are three other people besides him, and he might as well wait. Eventually he hears someone coming, he sees Sally look around and climb the exact tree he is in. He looks at her, but she doesn???t notice him. Then he sees the giant bears looking up at them in the tree.

Manda is starving, she has given up her quest to kill Matt at the moment. She still has her axe, but it is of no use. Giving up, she falls to the cold hard ground. Thats when the announcement happens. At the cornucopia, there will be some food and something super secret. The announcer says everybody is within one mile of the cornucopia, so they will be given 1 hour to get there and prepare.

Sally, still trapped in the tree while unaware gold is in the same tree, hears the announcement and screams. She is stuck in the tree with two giant bears are waiting to maul her. Gold upon hearing the announcement, decides to just kill Sally. Gold pushes Sally down to the bears. She is screaming obscenities at him when she hits the ground. She doesn???t get eaten though. She moves right through the bears. Gold, perplexed, throws a branch at the bears and Sally. The bears are a hologram. Laughing, Sally begins to shoot arrows at Gold.

Matt wakes up to the announcement. He silently leaves the bush and goes to the cornucopia. He goes inside of it, and waits for the food. He just now realizes how starving he is. He waits the entire hour and nothing appears. He is about to take a nap when the food appears. Suspicious, he waits for other people when he sees Manda running towards the foods.

Its not real I'm still writing 11
111 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 25th Apr 2013 18:11
mine is a maniac?
111 years, 10 months & 18 days ago 24th Apr 2013 17:02
111 years, 10 months & 20 days ago 22nd Apr 2013 12:25
my character is so weak
111 years, 10 months & 21 days ago 22nd Apr 2013 04:59
  1. I Got Plans
    26th Jun 2019 14:11
    5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
  2. Quest Tier List
    28th May 2019 23:58
    5 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  3. Rows 2
    16th Feb 2019 21:33
    6 years & 27 days ago
  4. Annette
    3rd Feb 2018 23:07
    7 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
  5. Pixel Chibi Examples
    16th Dec 2017 13:44
    7 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  6. Maradoll Art
    12th Dec 2017 20:40
    7 years & 3 months ago
  7. Pixel Doll Headshots
    9th Dec 2017 15:36
    7 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  8. Rows
    18th May 2017 22:40
    7 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
  9. Hello, it's me
    15th Mar 2017 16:05
    7 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  10. Goals for 2017
    31st Dec 2016 16:17
    8 years, 2 months & 12 days ago