Awesome people list

8 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
19th Jan 2017 21:17Thought it might be best if I started keeping track of epic people.
If you do not want your name here, please MM me.
Dear Treetoes1 You have been sent
*a boatload of stuff that you never can repay* from pUC
Nataku - Always sending me photos
Dear Treetoes1 You have been sent a Username Certificate from Colourful! -Treetoes
inkray for the pet Zirem the Neon Chibs
Lauren for the pet Maddie the Icecream Limax
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Teddy Bear Tree Decoration from gennie! - A great bear hug
Dear Flirt You have been sent a Oily Skin from gennie!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Pinkal from Journey! - Fashion Show
Masquerade sent me 1mil for a dream of getting 1mil
Excellent editors:Babydoll
Friends in unexpected places:Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Beautiful Candy Heart from Muse!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Frostfire Costume from Tomb!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Cupid Costume from Tomb!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Blitzen Fasoro Potion from Tomb!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Scorpi from Tomb!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Love X10 from Inuyasha!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Beautiful Candy Heart from Molecule!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Prize Costume from mav8!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Robotic Knife from Loli!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Female Winter Coat from Loli!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Orange Summer Basket from Loli!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Lovebug from Loli!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Beautiful Candy Heart from Yorkie!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Blue Valentines Balloon from busybee!
Dear Treetoes You have been sent a Winter Kujo Onesie from DarkRealm52!