i have barly any money but lets not beg, basically i have been trying to sell my rare items very cheap such as 50,000mp off but no one is interested i am struggling, i guess i will have to be forever poor..
Try to restock rare stuff and things that are often asked for in missions and quests. Those would be the items that sell quickly. I make around 10-20k per day and I'm not much of a good restocker. Buy things that are low in stock and that you're able to sell for a significant profit on shopsearch. good luck!
113 years, 4 months & 10 days ago 6th Nov 2011 15:35
okay so they will sell?
113 years, 4 months & 10 days ago 6th Nov 2011 14:37
well, I'm not really collecting photos anymore, so sorry. For the Yarn, I've sold it in my shop if you're patient enough (same with the skull)
113 years, 4 months & 10 days ago 6th Nov 2011 14:32
there not very rare cause i am on a budget unfortunately but here you go.. Ball of Grey Yarn [ Rarity 6 Fire Tasi Photo [ Rarity 22 ] Yellow Deino Skull [ Rarity 17 ] Purple Elektro Plate [ Rarity 9 ] Grey Shaggy Plate [ Rarity 9 ]
113 years, 4 months & 10 days ago 6th Nov 2011 14:29
Which rare items do you have? I might buy some If they're rare enough...
113 years, 4 months & 10 days ago 6th Nov 2011 14:26