13 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
20th Jul 2011 13:27Special mentions to people that have all made my "mara-life" special one way or another.
MrPea; For helping me out whenever needed, and for being a great friend through and through. Also, for being one of the kindest members I know.
Rain; Simply for being an amazing friend, and someone that I could always rely on to be there for me. We've shared some amazing moments.
Kai; Here's to the countless random moments we've had together. So many fun times to reminisce.
Sarah; For being amazinggg. Can always relate to everything you say, and you're a great friend.
Aang; To being one of my oldest "mara-besties" and sticking by me through everything.
Ellie; Ditto Aang. The three Marapeteers. For being such a lovely person and friend.
Sabs; Again, for being one of my oldest friends here on Marapets, and for the great times we had along with several others years ago.
Jess; For being a great friend on here. It's a shame you don't play anymore, because I honestly miss everyone from years ago.
Pan; For several things. Mostly, for being an amazing person to talk to, as well as rekindling my love for Sindis, or as we used to call them, "Ebil Bunnees".
Ceri; For helping me out when I needed it, as well as always being there for me. Had so many great moments on here with you.
Hash; For being able to be completely random, yet super amazing at the same time. Also for being an amazing friend.
Yowwy; For being the most random, yet fun person I know. Also for all the great times.
Kim; For being exceptionally kind and friendly when I was new, and for being a great friend after that.
Monki: For being a completely amazing retard.
Ben: For being a great friend and someone to talk to.
Perry: For being an amazing person for the short while before you left.
CC: For "rescuing" me from being a loner due to a lot of people being inactive, ahaha. And for allowing me to join an amazing club and meet some great new people.
& to everyone else who's ever been nice/kind/whatever to me. :3