Ok my new goals XD<br /> [br][x] Earn 5,000,000 mp +<br /> [br][x] Make Honestly a Angel Sindi<br /> [br] my sister also uses this occasionally
8th Aug i Got Honestly, My dream Pet[b]
At my school we have our own farm and these are all the Animals we have had down there which we show:
My Cows that I have Had, The First one, the Ginger one, is Pip, She was a South Devon pure bred. She was my first one and went last April. The Next One, the first out of the two black ones, is Stella, She was A giant! Theres a picture of her at the Kent show as well, She went just before Christmas. Then Finally we come to Chase, My Christmas present, I got him on the 23rd of December 2010. He is a year and a month old, Belgium blue X and i hope to get far with him at my shows!
[img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/P1020394.jpg?t=1305831628[/img][img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/165780_1368512633452_1850814198_650477_3438569_a.jpg?t=1298080316[/img] Elvis, one of the other cows that shares the pen with Chase
[img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/Elvis.jpg?t=1298080203[/img] Pandora also shares with Chase
[img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/pna.jpg?t=1298080130[/img] Ruby as she was when she first arrived at the farm, then two years later just after she gave birth to her son (the elephant) Rocky
[img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/ru-1.gif?t=1305831675[/img] Poppy- Went in 2009
[img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/popp.jpg?t=1298080106[/img] Bluebell-Went in 2009
[img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/bella-1.jpg?t=1298080273[/img] Pearl at the show ground and clipped out, prize winning, she won: Reserve supreme champion, champion, first, second x2 and third x2 (the bum is Topaz)
[img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/35182_141430575884178_100000517102751_367729_3723755_n.jpg?t=1298508411[/img] Pig (Jade), with Piglets
[img]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z113/xxxwhitefangxxx/Pigglets.jpg?t=1305831766[/img] Sheepyy
Thanks guys XD I have another show soon so wish me luck
113 years, 8 months & 25 days ago 19th Jun 2011 12:49
113 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 19th May 2011 15:17
I want a piglet!!
113 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 19th May 2011 12:54
aww the first pic and the piglets r so cute
113 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 19th May 2011 12:44
113 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 19th May 2011 12:41
It depends, the dairy cows, like Poppy, pearl, Topaz and Bella are still alive at a friend of ours, My 2nd cow Stella may still be alive for breeding as she fetched a pretty price at market, but the others, yes they did go to slaughter im afraid >.<
113 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 19th May 2011 12:34
113 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 19th May 2011 12:34
Does went mean like Passed away or moved to a new location? I'm slow -.-
113 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 19th May 2011 12:21