Roleplaying Characters =)

13 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
25th Apr 2011 20:06Demons:
Name: Ori
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black hair, green eyes. Like to wear medievel-style black and red dresses.
Powers/skills: Likes to practise dark magic and is very persuasive. Favours her black bone scythe.
Name: Ramaque
Gender: Male
Appearance: slightly muscly figure, black hair, eyes change colour. Likes to wear long sleeved shirts and ragged jeans.
Powers/skills: Has the ability to read people's moods and alter their emotions.
Other: He is Ori's twin brother and they are able to share thoughts sometimes. He likes to use dark magic, but can fight easily using his emotive powers.
Name: Kaylana
Gender: Female
Looks: Long, wavy dark brown hair with golden eyes. Likes to wear lighter colours and long, flowing dresses.
Powers/skills: Can see small flicks of the future while she sleeps and is often nicknamed Mystic because of this. Is able to read many different languages both human and demon.
Other: Is Ori's best friend and enjoys annoying Ramaque.