LE Potion Restocks

14 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
4th Jan 2011 11:24Thank you for buying Grey Lati Potion for 56,434MP !
Jan.4th 2011 11:13 MST
Feb.20th 2011 10:38 MST
Thank you for buying Cotton Candy Snookle Potion for 9,199MP !
August 17th 2011 18:33MST
Thank you for buying Red Dakota Potion for 61,208MP !
August 27th 2011 5:53MST
Thank you for buying Black Dakota Potion for 61,208MP !
May 14th 2013 18:48MST
Thank you for buying Royal Mordo Potion for 63,460MP !
May 30th 2013 19:58MST
Thank you for buying Green Lati Potion for 56,434MP !
December 25th 2013 8:53MST
Merry Christmas to me

Thank you for buying Eleka Mordo Potion for 63,455MP !
September 28th 2015 21:13MST
'Thank you for buying Orange Vlad Potion for 53,979MP'
September 29th 2015 23:48MST
'Thank you for buying Yellow Dakota Potion for 61,215MP'
October 6th 22:18MST
'Thank you for buying Burnt Chibs Potion for 55,794MP'
October 18th 13:33MST
'Thank you for buying Pink Kujo Potion for 49,897MP'
October 18th 22:48MST
'Thank you for buying Pink Kujo Potion for 49,897MP'
November 2nd 21:36MST
'Thank you for buying Eleka Mordo Potion for 63,459MP'
November 5th 1:13MST
'Thank you for buying Hobo Mordo Potion for 63,460MP'
November 24th 21:13MST
'Thank you for buying Orange Kujo Potion for 49,902MP'
April 30th 23:58MST
'Thank you for buying Halloween Ercuw Potion for 48,960MP'
November 4th 23:03MST
'Thank you for buying Green Vlad Potion for 53,987MP'
November 6th 23:08MST
Thank you for buying Purple Daisy Potion for MP43,250MP
November 6th 23:53MST
Thank you for buying Brown Daisy Potion for MP40,324MP
November 7th 19:53MST
Thank you for buying Brown Kujo Potion for 39,438MP
November 8th 20:28MST
Thank you for buying Purple Chibs Potion for 57,080MP
November 16th 19:53MST
Thank you for buying Coral Lati Potion for 68,622MP
November 17th 18:18MST
Thank you for buying Olive Limax Potion for 92,193MP
November 18th 19:38MST
Thank you for buying Firework Sindi Potion for 68,995MP
November 20th 22:01MST
Thank you for buying Blue Quell Potion for Seven Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin(November 20th 22:01MST)
Thank you for buying Sparkle Straya Potion for 9 Dukka Coins (Nov. 17,2024)
Thank you for buying Grey Mordo Potion for 3 Dukka Coins (Nov 27,2024)
Total: 27
Chibs x2
Daisy x2
Dakota x3
Ercuw x1
Kujo x4
Lati x3
Limax x1
Mordo x5
Quell x1
Sindi x1
Snookle x1
Straya x1
Vlad x2