50 qwestions

14 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
4th Oct 2010 13:40The Basics
1.) Your name: christina
2.) Nicknames: ruffa, ruth, russian
3.) Do you like these nicknames?: mhmm.
4.) Location: US
5.) Age: 15
6.) Birthday: may 17
7.) Zodiac sign: taurus
8.) Parents names: dina&pavel
9.) Siblings?: 2sisters,1brother
10.) Pets: adeadfish
11.) Number of rooms in your house: 4
12.) Religion: christian
13.) If so-practicing?: None
14.) Male or Female?: Female
15.) Is your family close?: no.
What are your favorite
16.) Foods: macadamia nuts, tea and coffee
17.) TV shows: avatar the last air bender and bleach
18.) Movies: the bourne trilogy
19.) Actors: husband on everybody hates chris
20.) Actresses: none
21.) Books: milkweed by uni orlev.
22.) Artists: blessthefall, enya, techno/trance
23.) Types of Music: screamo/hard rock. trance /techno. r&b/rap.
24.) Video Games: extreme g, on the nintendo 64
25.) Computer Games: marapets? haha
26.) Outfits:, skinnys/shorts, tanks or t shirts /sandals or my nikes.
27.) Stores: WALMART
28.) Sports: volleyball
29.) Colors: red and blue
30.) Numbers: 7 &82
31.) Websites:youtube n marapets n facebook
32.) Cartoons characters: nu pakidi. <russian cartoon
33.) TV Channels: food network. {you learn alot}
34.) Made For TV Movies: ?idk
35.) Comedians: jeff dun.
36.) Comediennes: mad tv women!

37.) Hair products: just straightening and split end mender.
38.) Makeup Products: mascara, eyeliner, coverup
39.) Kind of Pens:tiny ones,
40.) Kind of Shows: hardcore bands, i enjoy moshpiting.
41.) Pieces of Jewelry: i like my rings. there all fake offcourse. :b
42.) Kinds of Soap: idk bath and body works?
43.) Kinds of Shampoo: aussie, gnarfructise, nexxus
44.) Game Systems: none
45.) CD s:bless the fall, plumb
46.) Snacks: dried apricots/plums and macadamia nuts.
47.) Past times: sneaking out.
48.) Things to do on the weekend: drink.
49.) Magazines:none
50.) Animals: kitties and weasels