Dear Staff

14 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
30th Aug 2010 07:07people who joined becausee of me:
QueenOfLollyPops - my best friend
Newcastle7 - my bets friends little brother
LucyWxx - a friend
B0omer - my cousin
Charco97 - my boyfreind
please do note that i share computers wih Queenoflollypops , Newcastle7 and Charco97 because we are all around each others houses allot : ) i share with B0omer some times as well when i visit her. and i live with my little brother so we share compe his user name is devilsdragon .
my little brother has just joined his user name is DevilsDragon but he is to young for MM ect and he shares my email address because he doesnt have one and i will help him out because he is new and gets confused with mara sometimes so please dont freeze us! thats all thanks love sharky xxx