The line between life and death (Sequel)

14 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
10th Aug 2010 07:32I could hear voices all around me, muttering. I could hear my mum's aswell. I didn't want her hear, she basically killed my brother. Who's to say she wouldn't do the same for me? I was guessing that I was in a coma. I wasn't religious, but I believed in my guardian angel. "Thank you for not letting me die." I said inside my head. "Please, keep me alive. I wish you could do the same for my brother. Keep him safe in heaven." I said, sighing. I had survived, but I was in a coma. Most likely on life support. I could die any time soon.
"Baby, wake up. Kayleigh, please. I love you. I'm so sorry about your brother, but I can't lose you. Please. Wake up." She was shaking me hard. I could tell she was crying, but all I could do was murmur. "Kayleigh! You're still alive!" She said, sounding shocked. I was so close to dying... I didn't want to die. I had so much to live for. "Mum." I muttered, wanting to wake up. But I couldn't. The line between life and death was keeping my eyes shut, all I could see was the madwoman, beckoning me into death. I tried to force my eyes open. It didn't work. I lay still, I couldn't hear my mum anymore. All I could hear was a faint beep. The life support machine.
"Please don't turn it off." I whispered inside my head. I couldn't be unconscious, but I knew that death was taking over my body. I couldn't let it win. I wanted to live, for my brother. I even wanted to help out disabled people, maybe even start my own charity to make sure they are safe and they always have someone with them. All for my brother. I wanted, no needed, to live. My body felt numb, I could hear the beeping no more. My body lay still, and I all I could hear was my mum, shouting. "NO! MY BABY! PLEASE! TAKE MY LIFE INSTEAD OF HERS!"
It hit me that I was going to die. The nurses said there was nothing more they could do. The beeping could be heard no more, and my mum was taken out screaming and shouting at the nurses telling them to save me. So this is death. Maybe that woman was right, maybe I did need to die. I could feel a sheet being put over me. Death had won. "I'm coming Aidan!" Was all I could think of. I was dead. Dead. No life left in my. "Goodbye world." I thought, and I shut my eyes forever. Giving up, I knew I was going to die all along. I hope there is a heaven, I said to myself.
The end.