Undying festival answers

14 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
9th Aug 2010 09:461.Search addow then click "enchanted snowy addow plushie" Refresh if needed
2.Donate gumballs to the Pot Of Gold
3.Go to the statue is simeria and use it
4.Pull sword from stone (random)
5.Refresh MANY times at the loyalty page
6.Win a battle
7.Play a game of spider soltiare don't send score just refresh
8.Go to the newth racing and bet on newth 6 (the prison one)
9.Play keno.
10.Put a minipet in fasoro falls
11.Refresh at obese fairy
12.Search old costume in the search. (Refresh if needed)
13.Refresh at beauty contest
14.Refresh at clock tower
15.Enter pet to olympics
16.Go grave robbing and find bones.
17.Hug the Nutty Tree
18.Try trash fairy
19.Go to the trash heap
20.Collect clothing from Clothing Rack
21.Spin the fruit machine
22.Use the portal
23.Buy a lottery ticket
24.Play double or nothing
25.Send score in the game 'Bounchy'
26.Use guillotine
27.Collect bank interest
28.Complete an elger quest
29.Add Zombie Tantua Photo to your wishlist.
30.Use Eleka Fountain.
31.Do worm digging and get a worm.
32.Refresh at the Millionaires Lodge
33.Gain a Charisma Stat in Murfin Madness
34.Send a Wormy Apple at Indyo
35.Refresh at Poisons
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