114 years, 9 months & 19 days ago 26th May 2010 18:48
Huh????? It didn`t work for me!
114 years, 9 months & 20 days ago 25th May 2010 17:05
Thanks ill let you kn0w
114 years, 9 months & 21 days ago 24th May 2010 13:40
HI!I am here so the party is started! My name is Thebigo68, or Ky. I have been playing mara for a few months and I am now addicted to LE pets. I am here to app for the wonderful Amallodo. I LOVE Zooshes, and U love all of his TLC by you and I would give him the same amount. and this is what i would do.. 1) I would ALWAYS keep him under protection of voodoo maser(The dude who keeps spalls away from hurting your pet) 2) He would ALWAYS be in the Hotel 3) I would give him minipets and gormet foods 4) I would keep him away from all those bad mara players. 5) I would be the best owner I could 6) MAYBE change his costume, as I REALLy like it, maybe spand a lot of $ on one! Thanks for this opportunity and GL choosing the wnner!
114 years, 9 months & 21 days ago 24th May 2010 13:35
No problem
114 years, 9 months & 21 days ago 24th May 2010 13:33
Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii My name is Rain (yes, unusual. but i'm an unusual person so)
I've been a maradan pirate for 2 years now, and i've never robbed any ships or anything, so i'm a good pirate. Ok, I'd like to have your spacefairy zoosh and i deserve her because it looks so Stellar. I also love dolphins and now i'll be able to boost to my mara friends about my intergalactic dolphin Of course i'll take awesome care of her and make sure to keep it statted and loved.
I like to have unusual pets like my Zombie and Voodoo LE's because as mentioned before, i'm an unusual person. I hope i get considered because i'm a space dolphin addict, zombie rearing, voodoo loving Pirate :>
Added to that, she has a rather unusual name, so i know she and I will bond rather well. I honestly think i deserve her because I have experience with LE's.
Rain p.s, that was fun lol
114 years, 9 months & 21 days ago 24th May 2010 13:32
Thank you momo
114 years, 9 months & 21 days ago 24th May 2010 13:28
Hi.My name is.....MOMO..I have been playing Mara for 3 years and I love it. I just won a beuatiful Tasi(Carli) and an amazing princess Phanty(Miekla) maybe I'll be lucky enought to win Amallado.
I want Amallado because I love her name. Amallado has one of my favorite things in her name:mall so thats the first reason why I started to app.Another reason is becaus eI love Zooshes and Zooshes are just like dolphins and I just went to dolphin quest and got to touch a dolphin and play with it..So I'm so of obsessing over dolphins now.
I plan to well, I like her costume, but I might change it..I'm not very good at continuing to stat pets but I might try to stat her just not finish and I might learnie her up.
If I was ever going to trade her or give her away I would ask for your permission first because I feel that that is the right thing to do.I am so happy for the oppurtunioty to win an awesome pet like Amallado so thanks.Good luck choosing the winner.
114 years, 9 months & 21 days ago 24th May 2010 13:26