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Hey, I am Morgan.
If you want to know about some of my interests, just browse my profile.
Beyond the east the sunrise,[br]
Beyond the west the sea.[br]
And East and West the Wanderlust,[br]
Will not let me be.


  1. GOALS
    25th Nov 2020 20:13
    4 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  2. Get better at restocking, dummy
    18th Nov 2020 23:28
    4 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
  3. bunch of random songs i like
    24th Aug 2013 23:42
    11 years, 6 months & 19 days ago
  4. My Drawings/Art
    24th Oct 2012 20:08
    12 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  5. Roleplay Characters (Revised)
    2nd Oct 2011 22:51
    13 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  6. Roleplay Plots 2
    19th Apr 2010 17:43
    14 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  7. WinnieDog (A Real Story)
    26th Jul 2009 10:31
    15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  8. Roleplay Plots
    27th Apr 2009 20:13
    15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
Roleplay Plots 2
14 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
19th Apr 2010 17:43

Ran out of room on my other blog. xD
Randomly cuts off the rest of the plot. =[
Well. Here are some more plots.


Roleplaying Contest.
I used this plot 1 time.
Got 25 In-character posts.

It is September, 1939, the start of World War Two, and many people are being evacuated. On arriving at the station, a few of them are suddenly is kidnapped by two boys and taken to Time City, which exists outside of what we know as History.

Time City controls all the events that have happened so far, are happening now, and the ones that have yet to occur. Every second that has passed in the world gets recorded. People that control Time City can do pretty much anything. Go back a few minutes in time if somebody makes a large mistake, then send someone to go and talk them out of making their mistake. That's just one example. This place is /very/ delicate.

The area is controlled by the time-police. Normal people who make sure that some time-rogues won't come and mess things up. Throw egypt back into the time of Cleopatra, or suddenly change the U.S. into a freaky future-country. Flying cars. Hoverboards. You get it.

These time rogues just love messing with time, and people. That includes kidnapping people from the normal world, throwing them into Time City, and seeing what happens.

After the few people are kidnapped during the exvacuation, they are suddenly thrown into time city through a time vortex. The place looks normal. Sky-scrapers, houses, a blue sky, green grass. But the place doesn't just...feel right. Eventually, after wandering around the city for long enough they find a building. A giant hourglass is inside, and many different control panels. T.V. screens viewing all parts of the world.

Why not...fiddle around with it a bit? They press buttons, touch the hourglass, spin little...spinny-things and everything goes wrong. The screen showing modern-day New York? Yeah. Hover-cars are everywhere. People riding on hover-boards, and absolutely huge buildings. Egypt. The pyramids are back in shape, and there are people, everywhere. Not normal people. Slaves. Paris. Nothing but grass, and dirt.

Ha ha. Whoops.

After realizing they screwed up, they also realize that the time-police are after them. The time-rogues throw them back to earth, and flee themselves. But earth isn't the same. They are desparetly lost, wandering around the earth not knowing where the hell they are. Historical figures surround them, and so do other people wearing really...really wierd futuristic clothing.

Not to mention the time-police are after them. High-tech weapons, you will be killed if seen. Right on the spot.


Can you avoid the time-police, find the original time-rogues, beg them to send you back to time-city, and fix this mess? You're going to be confused to. Historical figures are thrown all over the place. Cleopatra isn't in Egypt anymore.

Ha. Goin' to be one hell of a challenge.


-Ummm...hmmm...I guess some super-powers could be allowed. Only for future-people.
-No extreme romance. Not really a romancish roleplay, but I mean...if you think a dude is cute, I won't stop you. XD
-If Diversity, Julia, Lupe, Fruits, or any other friends I forgot, Join this roleplay...they have as much power as me.
-Semi-literate please! No CHATSPEAK.
-Please...please use "" when speaking, '' when thinking (or just no puncuation things at all) and correct use of capitals.
-I would prefer 3rd person speech...but 1st person is okay. I guess. XD

JOIN AS A HISTORICAL FIGURE (You can help the kids, or be against them. Or be yourself. XD), A TIME-ROGUE (Just kind of wandering around, stealing things, avoiding the police, having fun), A KID (The people who got kidnapped. Avoiding time-police, trying to find the Time-Rogues, trying to not get lost),A FUTURISTIC PERSON, OR A MEMBER OF THE TIME-POLICE.


Name :
Age :
Gender :
Historical Figure?(yes or no) :
Kid?(yes or no) :
Time Rogue?(yes or no) :
Futuristic Person?(yes or no) :
Time-Police Member? (yes or no) :
Looks :
Helping the Kids? (yes or no) :
Powers (If future person. You can decide to have some, or not.) :
Personality (optional) :
Anything I missed/Other :

Join please!!!
Questions? Ask me.



Himuro Mansion is known as the home of a large landowner who controls the region of the Himuro Mountains. But it is actually the place a shrine was built for performing a certain Shinto ritual, passed down through the generations. But the people have to keep this ritual a deep secret. They are forbidden to even mention its name.
The ritual is performed to keep Hell???s Gate shut. This gate is actually underneath the house, so that is why they are responsible for it.
Every year on the 13th day of the 12th month, a maiden, cut off from the outside world for 3,669 long days, about 10 years, shall be torn apart to provide power to the rope. But first, a different maiden must be chosen to be blinded by the blinding mask, a mask with two stakes through the eyes. After part of her blood is collected through a cloth across her destroyed eyes, the clothed is placed in front of Hell???s gate, below the house, to weaken the disturbed spirits inside. The next Ritual, the Strangling Ritual, will keep the gate closed for another 3,669 days. If the ritual is not performed properly, or isn???t performed at all, then the Malice will be released. The Malice makes deceased spirits inside hostile and even evil.
To start performing the rituals, all female residents of the Himuro mansion above the age of 7 years, 9 months, and 25 days gather together to play a game of ???Demon Tag.??? The previous blinded Maiden will play as the ???Demon??? The females will hide, and have to get found eventually by the Blinded Maiden. The first one to be found will be the next blinded maiden. The last one to be found will be the next Rope Maiden, for it is believed that she had high spiritual power because she hid from the ???Demon??? for the longest.
The blinding ritual uses a mask with two stakes through the eyes. The blinded maiden is forced onto her knees by two priests, and the ritual leader forces the mask onto her face, gouging her eyes.
In the Strangling ritual, the maiden chose to be the Rope Maiden is hidden from the world for 3,669 days. She can only come outside when it is foggy, not clear, etc. No one can visit her, unless they have a mask on, so that she cannot see their face and become attracted to them. She has to be willing to die, and not have any feelings or emotions, or her blood will not be strong enough, and Malice will be released. The Maiden is tied to a large wooden wheel on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Ropes are tied to her legs, arms, and neck. 5 people pull the ropes, eventually strangling her, or just ripping her apart.
One Rope Maiden, Kirie, was being visited by a boy. He would come in, without a mask, and tell her all about the outside world. Eventually, she fell in love with him, and had a reason to live. After about 3 weeks of him visiting her, he was discovered talking with her, and killed. When Kirie was led to the Strangling room to be sacrificed, she felt guilty about the death of her lover. Due to this, Kirie???s blood on the ropes wasn???t strong enough to hold the gate closed, and Malice was released. After this happened, the Himuro family master when crazy, and began to kill everyone else in the mansion with his two swords. Some people committed suicide before the spirits, or the Himuro family master, killed them. Kirie???s Soul, the Blinded Maiden, and many other souls of all those killed by spirits now haunt the Himuro Mansion.
Malice possessed Kirie???s spirit. She was split into two parts. One, a younger version of herself, wearing a white kimono, and her adult form, possessed by the Malice. Her adult form wears a white kimono also, but looks more hostile, and has ropes tied around her ankles, wrists, and neck. Dark hair hangs in front of her eyes, and she is very pale. Blood stains her white kimono and the ropes around her also. The adult side of her yearns to kill those who now enter the mansion, so they can feel her pain. The younger side of her wants to help lift the curse of the mansion, and close Hell???s gate forever.

1978, December 13
7:43 PM

3 journalists go into Himuro mansion to cover a story of a missing girl, who was said to have been snatched away by ghosts. Little did they know that after entering the mansion, a curse would begin to pull them away one by one???
Junsei Takamine. Tomoe Hirasaka. Koji Ogata. Those were the three people that entered the mansion. After entering the place, they noticed that it was completely ruined. Wooden beams had collapsed, paper room dividers were slashed apart, staircases were broken, and doors were nailed shut. The oddest thing about the place was that in this one hallway, there were tons of ropes hanging from the ceiling. Maybe they were onto something.
After a few hours of investigating the house, one of the reporters goes missing. They search, and eventually find him.
Ropes tied around his wrists, ankles, and neck.
Then, one by one, the rest of the reporters die as well. What was the cause of this curse? Kirie of course. If she manages to attack you, you slowly begin see ropes around your ankles, wrists, and your neck. If she successfully attacks you three times, you begin to feel as if you are being torn apart.
Then you just???die.
1980, December 9
5:12 PM
A group of young teenagers decide to go and search the mansion for the missing Journalists. For some of them, the Journalists are their family. For others, they just want an adventure.
They have no idea what they are dealing with.
You (your character) happen to be a part of this group. By searching the mansion, finding notes, bodies, diary entries, seeing ghosts, will you find out the mystery of this mansion? And survive?
When encountering a ghost, most of them will attack immediately. Especially the Blinded Maiden and Kirie. You can either run from them (very difficult) hide somewhere, or attack them as well. Question is???how do you hurt them?
After wandering the house for awhile, you realize that light damages them. Shine your flashlight on them, and they get weaker. Taking pictures of them as well harms them. (The flash) Of course, only a few brought some cameras.
The ghosts each have different attacks. For example, the Blinded Maiden. Although she can???t see, she can hear and sense people. Teleporting behind you is one of her specialties. Best thing to do, is stay still. Don???t move, no matter how close she gets to you.
Ghosts will teleport, go through walls, grab you, scratch you, choke you, and slash you with weapons.
Yes???I said weapons. The Himuro Family master ghost actually has two swords that he can kill you with just a few slashes. Same with the priests of the family. Swords, or knives.


(NOTE: You can join as a ghost, or a teen)
Ghost, or human?-
Attack type (ghosts)-
Weapons(optional, ghosts)-
Weapons(needed, humans)-
Personality (optional, both)-
History (ghost, optional)-
Other/anything I missed-

I will be joining as the blinded Maiden, and a Human.
The part of Kirie (main ghost) is open. You can also make up others ghosts with gruesome stories.
This takes place in Japan.
Himuro Family master place is open.
While searching the house, keep in mind that you aren???t here to just kill need to find the missing reporters too, and unravel the mystery of the mansion.


Heaven exists.
And, so does Hell. But when you die, you don't go to either one. In fact, you are given another chance as someone else before you go to either Heaven or Hell. Some people in their first life, were very corrupt and just horrible. That is why you are given another chance. To right your wrongs.

When you are given this chance, you are thrown into a brand-new body, and born again. It actually takes a lot of work to do this, and so many people die every day too. But, He is able to handle it.

When you finally die in your second life, you are finally put in either Heaven or Hell, and that is where you will stay for the rest of life. All life.

But after an odd disease breaks out, it spreads all over the world killing millions. Billions. It is an unusually large amount of deaths in one week.

You think He can handle it? Well, he can't. It is very hard, even with the help from all of the other Angels.

He messes up. Very bad. Instead of putting the souls into new bodies of humans that will eventually die again, he puts them into bodies of un-natural humans. Ones that will die, but not so easily. He forgot to put the blood in their bodies. So, they need to feed off of blood to live. Apparently in the human world, these things are called 'Vampires' and they can't survive without blood. They can die though, if blood is taken from them, or if they are stabbed in the heart. They can be injured, but they can't die without a knife through the heart.

Well. He sure messed up. Now, the world is full of "Vampires", running around and killing even more people. Soon, the whole population could be only vampires! The whole world would just be one huge Man-hunt. And, when another human dies, they can only turn into a "Vampire" now.

So, He comes down and tells a few of the normal Humans left remaining, that didn't get killed by the disease, that they must fend off these "Vampires", and even kill them. He feels horrible for it, but it must be done. So they go off to kill the vampires. A few humans know about their job, and a few don't, for they have not been told.

After a while, the vampires are winning still. So what does He do?

He sends down a few of his Angels, and even pulls up a few Demons from Hell. He summons some of the Fallen Angels that have been running around earth, and tells them to get rid of the Vampires too. The Vampire numbers decrease, a lot. He says that he will change the second life back to normal, when this is all over. When he has time.

So. It's a War. A silent one, actually. Between a few of the Humans, Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels....and the Vampires.

Welcome to a roleplay where your second life, your second chance, won't be to right your wrongs. You will be the bad guy.



Vampires- Drink blood. Not just human blood, but animal blood too. Some have chosen to kill only animals. Some have chosen to kill both, and others have chosen to go after only humans. Their blood is sweeter. They do not remember any of their first life, but they are intelligent, cunning, and able to take the memories from the Animals/Humans they kill. That is where they get their knowledge from. Older Vampires can run faster, are stronger, etc.

Humans- Still on their First Life, and are trying not to die. Some know that they are to kill the vampires, while working with the Demons, Angels, and Fallen Angels, while some don't know. They wander the earth, wondering who this murderer is who is killing all these people.

Angels- Sent from Heaven above to kill the Vampires while working with Fallen Angels, Demons, and Humans. They possess the power of Light, and are able to fly of course. They can show themselves to Humans if they wish, and can take only the form of one Human-like figure, and one Animal. Vampires /always/ see them, no matter what. They can see their glow.

Fallen Angels- Angels that have done something wrong, and were sent back to earth to help a Human to get back to Heaven. They possess the power of Earth. This does not include talking to animals, or turning into one, any of that stuff. They uproot trees, pull out vines and roots, do anything like that. Working with the Humans, Angels, and Demons. Vampires always see them, but they can show themselves to Humans only if they wish.

Demons- Creatures from Hell. Some got their accidentally, some went their on purpose. They have been forced to fight with the Angels, Humans, and Fallen Angels against the Vampires, but a few stray off and go to bother some humans instead of doing their job. They possess the power of Shadows, and can shift into any shape they wish. From Animals, to Trees. Vampires always see them, but to humans, they are just a moving shadow.


First Life(Human) or Second Life?(Demon, Vampire, Angel, Fallen Angel)-
Animal Form(For Angels Only)-
Human blood, Animal Blood, or both?(Vampire only)-
Do you know what to kill, or not?(Humans)-
Are you doing your job, or messing around?(Demons)-
Powers you Possess(Vampires, their power is chosen, unlike Angels, Fallen, and Demons)-



Based on the game, Mirror's edge.

The changes came slowly.

Steadily, like a shower of rain. It began dripping, but slowly grew heavier, into a complete down-pour, washing over everything in it's way.

They began to install cameras. January, 2012. Not just cameras on the corner of the streets to watch the traffic, but...everywhere. Alleyways, rooftops, streets, parks, pathways. People began to stand on the corners of sidewalks, concealed by the shadows of the night. They watched everyone pass, and at first, it was nice. Everyone felt protected. The city was finally under all the protection they needed. The crime rates went down by more than fifty percent, and everyone felt safe to walk down the quiet streets at night.

Then it changed. The government began to not just watch for them on the street, but watch everyone's single move. They began to push people back. No one could go by their own rules anymore, it was following the one set of rules.

1. No crime.
2. No rejecting our ways.
3. Don't try to run if you commit a crime. The punishment will be severe.
4. No breaking any of these rules.
5. No running away, or hiding.

Simple, but they were reinforced. No one had a personal life anymore, they controlled the public and personal life of every person. Some people didn't mind the more security and restrictions to life, for it allowed them a more "comfortable" life. However, the other citizens went against this, and began to protest this new system of controlling their lives.

And so, The November Riots erupted from the protests and the higher amount of law enforcement stomped out the protesters, forcing them to flee. With riot shields in arms, they pushed the protesters back. Blood splattered across the clean, blue-white pavement of the sidewalk, staining it. People fell to the ground, and that's when they went too far. People were killed in the protests, yet nobody did anything about it because they were scared. No one could do anything.

That was until the runners came.

The Runners are an illegal underground courier group who operate independently from the city???s legal security and surveillance measures. They are a popular option to transport private and confidential documents across the city without the intrusion of governmental surveillance.

To perform their jobs each runner is taught the art of free-running, in which they use the urban and rural areas to perform efficient movements through its structures. Runners are adept at moving quickly, vaulting, sliding, and other movements. By making use of parkour, Runners are able to spend most of their time on rooftops or within urban structures and use the environment to escape from opposition such as the City Protection Force.

If the Runner is unable to escape they are also trained in a variety of street martial arts to compliment their parkour skills. Some are also knowledgeable in gun and weapon use. These people are used as couriers, sending messages to some of the people throughout the city that don't approve of the totalitarianism form of government.

The runners are constantly hunted down by the government, the City Protection Force. They went as far as trying to bring them to jail, "justice" as they called it. But after one of the runners was caught in the act of murdering the mayor of the city, things really heated up.

The struggle to find, and now eliminate, the runners is going on. The runners are still trying to save the city from what it is now. They want their lives back, they want their freedom back. The people are finally realizing their known as the "Pursuit Cops", they are out for anyone who opposes them. Everyone is in danger.

The Organization

Identified by various tattoos, known as ???tags???, and colour-themed clothing, the number of Runner groups in the city is currently unknown although one group have so far has been identified. Each group consists of a number of field agents, known as Runners, who physically carry the packages from origin to destination. These field agents are directed over radio by Trackers, of which there is at least one in each Runner group. Trackers are usually retired Runners who use their contacts, knowledge and skills gained during their time in the field to create their own Runner organization.

Each runner has the skills of free-running, weapons, and fighting. They have tattoos, and color-coded articles of clothing. With the constant danger of the Pursuit Cops, they must always be running. All over the roof-tops, feeling the light grasp of the wind as they jump from building to building, on the mirror's edge.


Runner or member of Pursuit Police?:
(Runners)Tattoo you are identified by?:
(Runners)Color you use in clothing:
(Police only, runners use weapons if they find them. They don't carry them all the time)Weapons:

Questions? Ask me.


The Dark Brotherhood. A secret organization, hidden underneath the small town itself. An abandoned home, down in the dark basement there is hole right through the wall, leading into a dark corridor, with a the black door at the end. A question is asked in order to get in, and you must answer correctly to get into the living quarters of the place. No one dares to even acknowledge it's existence, for a legend has been going around saying that if someone not part of Brotherhood was to find the place, an unseen force would hunt them down.

So no one speaks about it, fearing that they might be found. No authorities even know about this. And maybe it's better that way, for the members of the group are vampires. After an odd, and rare, disease broke out, only a few people got it. Porphyric Hemophilia, a need for blood. They turned into what we know as vampires. They must drink blood at least every day, or some symptoms start. You begin to burn in sunlight, you have a weakness to fire. Eventually, death can result from going a week without blood. To keep these people alive, they formed a secret group, and go out to hunt humans and sometimes animals down in the small town.

They hide in the dark, and if they have recently fed, they can go out into the light. At first the group was made just so they could survive. But now, some are taking advantage of this organization, being hidden from all of the authorities. In order to make money, a few of them turned to the art of thieving. A few began to spill blood for a good pay. Being hidden had it's advantages, and soon, most vampires began to live the life of luxury, doing whatever they wanted, when they wanted to.

But one day, a careless, rich vampire made a mistake. While wandering the town, searching for some sort of feed, he found what seemed like a good target. But mistakenly, took a liking to this person. He spilled their society's secret, told her that he was a vampire and so were many other citizens of the town. She left him, afraid for her life, and soon, the secret got out.

What used to be a safe haven for the ones with the disease of Vampirism, is now dangerous. They can barely go near the place without having unseen eyes on them. Humans have begun to hunt them down, for they believe that vampires drink human blood for pleasure, not survival. Maybe the skills of being thieves and assassins will pay off, for these humans are skilled. They seem protected, though they do not know one, important thing. The disease is contagious. Enough contact with a vampire, can lead to them becoming one as well, contrary to the popular belief that you turn into a vampire if bitten.

Which species will conquer?


Small town. Not a big city with a lot of people.
Vampires can wander freely. Only hunters would know if they are a vampire or not.
Most humans carry around weapons now, to protect themselves.
NO HUMANS know that the vampires carry a disease that can turn them into vampires.
The Dark Brotherhood is located in the basement of an abandoned house. Very few humans know it is there, and most vampires still visit the place because it is a bit safer than wandering the streets.
Feeding is done by biting the human in the neck. They will often survive the process, though the vampire can choose to kill the person, or let them survive. Most vampires feed on sleeping humans if they want them to live.
Most hunters are very discreet. They aren't geared up, and traveling in huge groups. They are often alone.
Vampires are often discreet as well, drinking humans in dark areas.
Most vampires became thieves or assassins. Those skills can come in handy.

I will post my character after someone posts.

Hunter? (Humans):
Personality (Optional):
History/Bio (Optional):

Remember, Vampirism is a disease! Your character may catch it, on your decision. The process is very painful, including memory loss, aching, sudden and severe pains throughout the body, extreme headaches, burning of the throat, and more

Name: Samantha
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Historical Figure?: No
Kid: Well, teen
Time rogue: She was kidnapped
Futuristic Person: No
Time-Police: No
Looks: Tall slender dark haired girl. She has mid-back chesnut brown hair and bright blue eyes. She has a button nose and a splatter of freckles across her nose, she has high cheekbones and lightly tanned skin.
Helping the kids: She needs help herself
Powers; None, she wishes
Personality; A bit wild, witty, copes well under pressure, very open with people, is sometimes not thoughtful and speaks before she thinks, but she can have a sharp tongue and she is a common pranker. Is often pegged by her miscevious grin as a troublemaker.
Other: She was kicked out of the orphanage because she attempted to escape and was "rude" to authorities.
114 years, 10 months & 12 days ago 2nd May 2010 17:27
  1. GOALS
    25th Nov 2020 20:13
    4 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  2. Get better at restocking, dummy
    18th Nov 2020 23:28
    4 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
  3. bunch of random songs i like
    24th Aug 2013 23:42
    11 years, 6 months & 19 days ago
  4. My Drawings/Art
    24th Oct 2012 20:08
    12 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  5. Roleplay Characters (Revised)
    2nd Oct 2011 22:51
    13 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  6. Roleplay Plots 2
    19th Apr 2010 17:43
    14 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  7. WinnieDog (A Real Story)
    26th Jul 2009 10:31
    15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  8. Roleplay Plots
    27th Apr 2009 20:13
    15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago