Rant:Quitting and Semi-Quitting

14 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
9th Apr 2010 20:18Really? I shouldn't even need to rant about THIS!
If you're quitting or semi-quitting, why bother making a board about it? I know you want your pets to go to great homes and stuff, but wouldn't you just rather trust your friends to take care of that viotto or chibs? I like giveaways as much as everyone else, but I hate those "SEMI QUITTING!" or "QUITTING!" topics. It's lovely your quitting and unless you were actually a close friend or a great member, I actually could not care less. Why make a big deal about quitting, just quit and be done with it. All those topics scream "I WANT ATTENTION!"
The others just want your pets. They're all "Oh I'm sorry your quitting. You were such a great person and junk!" in their apps when they really are saying is "whatever. Just give me your pet and shoo shoo"
I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but oh well..