
15 years & 26 days ago
19th Feb 2010 09:03Yup!
Im making!
Need it?
Banner: 10 000 MP
Banner with Siggy: 10 000 MP
(Siggy is free here cuz looks like Banner.)
(It is just writed "Join Now!" )
Siggy: 7 000 MP
(For profile or for club, but just Siggy)
Siggy for special days: 5 000 MP
Layout: (Soon! )
Avatar: (Soon! )
Pixel Graphic: (Soon! )
Ardoptable Pixel Graphic: (Soon! )
MM me or post here if you want one of them,
In MM or post needs to be fillen this:
-For Banner or Siggy:
-What marapets or minipets shoud I put on it:
-What colour of marapets/minipets:
-What background should it be: In one colour/with some stuff
-If it is in one colour what colour is it:
-If it is with some stuff what should it be:
-Text: Glitter/normal/no text
-Text: Big/small
-What style of text:
-What should be written:
-Stickers: Yes/no
-Stickers: Glitter/normal
-Stickers: What stickers
-Your special wish:
-For Layouts:
(Soon! )
-For Avatars:
(Soon! )
I think they will be great!