DNA tries.

15 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
28th Jan 2010 13:05Trying to turn Defector mutant with pink DNAs.
Nothing yet.
Tries: Well over 15.
Thanks to MrPea, again ;D
Congratulations! You found the 'Mutant' Hidden Avatar!
Welcome to the DNA Minipets laboratory, where illegal operations in Marada are taken place. As Enpiah is not on the same universe, there are no laws against this laboratory. Do you have what it takes to breed a DNA Minipet? If not, leave the laboratory right away.
Dr Yekyll is forever in his laboratory, experimenting with cloning and mara pets DNA. He has the skill to take two different species of mara pets together with a DNA item, experiment with them in his laboratory, and breed a DNA minipet!
The operation was a success!
You now have a Pink Huthimo!!
Oh No! The operation also turned Defector into a mutant!