
15 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
14th Jan 2010 08:481. What???s your name?
2. Age?
3. How long will it take for you to fill this out?
4. What???s one word that you hate?
5. Not to make you seem conceited but, do you think that you???re attractive?
6. Broken any hearts lately?
Umm, when is lately? I'm joking! Of course not!
7. What song are you listening to right now?
8. Do you know all the words to it?
9. When was the last time that you played truth or dare?
Nearly a year ago with my siblings and cousins!
10. Are you more likely to pick truth or dare?
11. Why?
I usually like to be daring!

12. Do you remember the last dream that you had?
14. Do you have an msn?
Hoping to get it, but not yet!

15. Do you add random people?
Don't have MSN
16. Crayons maybe. or markers?
17. How would you label yourself?
I dunno!
18. Are you generally mean or nice?
I can be mean if I feel like it......
19. If you were told that you had one day left to live, what would you do?
Be a wonderful big sister!
20. Do you plan ahead or just let things play out?
Play Out
21. What???s your secret obsession?
SECRET obsession people......
22. Got an aphrodisiac?
NO, FREAK!!!!!!!!!!
23. What???s your best friend???s name, both on the internet and irl?
24. Can you solve Einstein???s riddle WITHOUT any help?
25. What???s your IQ?
Never have IQ tests. In the hundreds, I'm not stupid, you know!
26. Pancakes or Waffles?
Waffles(With Ice-Cream)
27. How does your room look?
The floor is clear.....
28. Is it clean?
Most of it. Eg. The floor.......
29. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
30. Nightlight?
I am not 5 people!
31. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
32. How important does a person have to be before they are considered murdered or assassinated?
If you dislike someone you can assassinate them....
33. Do you know who John Lennon is? I???m not talking about the Beatles member either.
Only Beatles one!
34. What???s the most annoying stereotype?
35. Do you get offended easily?
Umm, with some people!
36. When was the last time that you said ???I love you??? to one of your parents?
Last night
37. What about the last time you offered to help one of them?
38. Are you spoiled?
By Granny and Gramps
39. If you had to give up something what would it be: sight, hearing, or any means of communication? NO SIGN LANGUAGE EITHER.
Hearing, so that I could at least see what people look like!
40. What was the last book that you were into?
Girl, Aloud. It is my friend's book and she lent it to me!
41. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?
42. Do you believe in a higher power?
43. Do you pray?
Twice at day at the least!
44. When something goes wrong and you???re in trouble, do you say a ???prayer????
Of course, it is one of the biggest solutions to problems!

45. What do you think happens when people die?
As my sister said on her blog: Good=Heaven Bad=purgatory then Heaven or Hell!
46. Wouldn???t it suck if you died and it turned out that there was in fact a higher power and you ignored it all of your life?
Umm, yeah, ok.
47. What do you think of the death penalty?
That is not ok, right
48. Would you ever sue someone?
No, I like to talk things out, not make it worse by suing them!
49. How many pillows are on your bed?
50. Mac or a PC?
51. If you have a Mac, how many viruses have you had?
..None, on nothing..
52. PC losers, answer the question too. =]
53. Do you doodle?
If I'm REALLY board!
54. If you were given the opportunity to meet people that you???ve met through the internet would you?
Most could be, not to nice, others, sure, why not?!!?
55. Do you give your number out over the internet?
No way!
56. In all honesty, who do you like better, your internet friends or your real life friends?
Don't have very many friends on the internet!
57. Would you give your heart up if you knew a close relative needed it?
Err, if I REALLY loved them, maybe....
58. Do you give your spare change to the homeless?
59. Do you give gifts during the holidays?
60. What???s your least favorite saying/expression?
I don't really know.
61. If you could talk to a person, that has already passed on, who would it be?
Do pets count???
62. Do you believe in the supernatural?
Mmmm, yerrr........
63. Political party?
64. Do you want kids?
65. If your best friend got pregnant tomorrow, would you still be her best friend or would you let your friendship fade? Ha, be honest.
I WOULD HELP THEM! Oh my word!
66. Illegal or legal music?
67. What???s the name of your most annoying family member?
Thank you, Terry, thank you. Because of that:
68. Have you gone skinny dipping before?
When I was a baby!
69. How did you come across this quiz? xD
Brocci's profile.
70. Say ???ily??? to someone, then post their reply:
Maggie: ILY, Brian.
Brian: LY 2, Magz.